Chapter 18

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(Roughly) 1 year later

Pov Cas

"Coupe" Cas's best friend, Hannah, read the flash card aloud to him.
"Come on, give me a harder one than that. Cup." Cas rolled his eyes. Hannah was helping him study for his French final. Cas was in college now and he had met Hannah at the beginning of the school year in their math class.
"Okay, okay. How bout this one: cheval."
"That's...pig? No no no wait! Horse!"
"You got it. You're gonna ace this."
"God, I hope so."
The door of the dorm opened.
"Hey dorks!" Abner, or Abe as everyone called him, came in the room with his boyfriend on one arm and takeout in the other. Abe was Cas's roommate. They bonded the day they met over their love for the same movie stars and had been friends ever since. Abe's boyfriend, Gadreel, didn't go to their college but he lived in a nearby apartment. He had grown up in the same neighborhood as Abe and they had been dating since their freshman year of high school. Abe talked all the time about how they were going to be together forever. Cas didn't doubt it. They'd known each other their whole lives and hadn't gotten sick of each other yet. Abe was always thinking of fun things for the group of friends to do. Parties, nearby museums, ghost tours during halloween, lots of stuff. He was really loud and wild. Gadreel was the opposite. He reminded Cas of himself. Quiet and cautious. But not opposed to a little bit of fun. Hannah was somewhere in between. She kept everyone balanced.
"Hey, what'd you get? I'm starving." Hannah grabbed the bag and started fixing herself a plate. Cas put away his flash cards and made himself a plate as well.

Pov Dean

"You're going down, Sammy."

"I don't think so, Dean. Remember, you're one letter away from losing too. Hurry up and take the shot."

They were playing HORSE in the basketball court across from the motel they were staying in. Dean focused really hard, but right as his hand was leaving the ball, a loud horn sounded behind him. He cursed under his breath as the ball went to the side of the net. He handed Sammy five bucks and turned around to see his dad in that same old truck from the night he took them from Bobby's place.

"Get in, we're going to the diner for dinner tonight."

They got in the rusty, smelly truck. The air conditioner didn't work and it was getting hot out.

"Happy birthday, Sam," John handed Sam a stuffed moose, "They're still your favorite animal, right?"

Sam nodded, "So you're taking us to the diner for my birthday?"

"Yeah, I know how much you love their burgers."

"Thank you, dad."

"You're welcome. HEY, STAY IN YOUR LANE." He shouted out the window at a big swerving truck, "I'm gonna have to pass him."

"Dad, you can't pass him, just slow down and wait for him to get out of the way." Dean shook his head, worried.

"Son, I've been driving longer than you've been alive so I suggest you shut your mouth." John snarled and sped up.

"Dad!" Sam's eyes were wide. The truck was getting closer. Dean reached out to yank the steering wheel but it was too late. The truck rammed into them, crushing the drivers side of the old truck. The last thing Dean saw before he blacked out was blood. Lots of it.
Dean woke up in a hospital bed feeling like he'd just taken a beating from a body builder. He was alone in the room apart from a nurse who was looking at a machine and writing stuff down on a clipboard. It took a second for him to remember what he was doing there.
"Where's my brother? Is he okay?"

The nurse jumped. She hadn't noticed he was awake.

"Um...your brother? Is that the boy? Looks like he's in his early teens?" She looked at him.

"Yeah, that's Sammy. Is he okay?"

The nurse nodded, "Yeah he's great. Gonna have to walk on crutches for a while but he'll be just fine. But..."

"But what?"

"The older man, your dad, I'm guessing?"

"Yeah, what about him?"

"You might wanna sit down."

"I'm laying in a hospital bed. What happened to my dad?" Dean felt panic rise like a bubble in his belly.

"He...he died. He was already dead when the ambulance got to you guys."

Dean held back his tears. John had just started to be an almost decent guy. He was still a jerk but he was trying to get better. He'd even layed off the drinking. It wasn't fair. If only Dean could have gotten to the steering wheel a second sooner.

"Can I get you a glass of water or something?"

"I'm fine. Just...leave. Please."

The nurse nodded and walked away.
"This is the last box." Sam put a large box in the back seat of the Impala, "You're sure he'll let us stay with him? Even after the crap dad pulled?"

"Yeah, I just got off the phone with him. He'd excited to have us back. He's even letting me work for him until I can find another job. Now. You gotta pee? It's a long drive and I'm not stopping for a few hours."

Sam nodded and Dean started the car. They drove and drove. Day and night. Across state and state and state and so on. Dean nudged Sam awake as they drove into town. Seeing a sign that welcomed them.

Now Entering Sioux Falls

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