Chapter 12

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Cas made his way around Bobbies house to Sam's window. Dean had a game tonight and Cas wanted to be sure his day started out great. Hesitantly, he whisper-yelled.
"Sam!" No response.
"Sam!!" No response.
"Sam!!!" No response.
Finally, Castiel let out a frustrated groan, knocking on Sam's window. There was a crash and Sam's light flicked on. Slowly, the curtains pulled back to reveal a squinting Sam.
"Sam, let me in!" Cas said urgently. If he didn't get in now, there's no way he'd get everything done on time.
Sam slid his window open.
"Yes, Sam, let me in!"
Sam looked super confused and tired but he helped Cas through the window. "Cas, what the hell?" He squinted.
"I'm doing something nice for Dean."
"Whatever. Just let me get my hour of sleep I still have."
"Deal." Cas smiled and walked out of Sam's room, into the kitchen.
Cas got to work in the kitchen, cooking Dean a wonderful breakfast of eggs, toast, and bacon. He checked the time. 6:50. School started at 8. He smiled to himself and fixed him and Dean a plate, leaving some for Sam. Tiptoeing to Deans room, he slowly opened the door. The floorboards creaked slitghly as he approached Deans bed, setting the plates on Dean's nightstand. He pressed a gentle kiss to his temple. Dean stirred, fluttering his eyes open.
"Cas?" his voice was rough from sleep and his hair was sticking up everywhere. Cas giggled at the sight of his cutie boyfriend.
"I made you breakfast." He sat down on the bed with Dean and pulled him into a kiss.
"Thank you." Dean smiled after they broke apart and grabbed their plates.
"No problem." Cas smiled back.
"What time is it?" Dean rubbed his eyes. Cas glanced at Dean's alarm clock. "6:56" Cas replied and Dean groaned.
"Too early."
"You have a game today."
That seemed to perk Dean up a little bit. He ate his food and got ready, all before 7:20.
"Impressive." Cas remarked.
Loud noises from the crowd of people at the stadium filled Castiels ears. The smell of fresh cut grass and concession stand food fills his nostrils.  He chuckles quietly to himself. Who would've thought that he, Castiel James Novak, who hated sports and the people involved in them, would be attending a football game and dating one of its players?
"Just one ticket?" The girl in the ticket booth asked, looking around Cas to see if anyone seemed to be with him.
"Yes please." Cas handed her the money. She took the money and handed him the ticket. After struggling to find the end of the line, he fished his phone from his jacket pocket and checked his texts to see the he had two from Sam. He was about to open Sam's messages when his phone buzzed.

Dean: I'm getting dressed so I have to put my phone up. Wish me luck while I can still text you.

Cas typed quickly.

Cas: Good luck, I love you.

The reply came instantly.

Dean: I love you more.

This made Cas smile and he opened Sam's text.

Sam: I just got in, we're on the middle section top row.

Sam: I'm going to the concession stand, you want anything? Ruby is holding our seats.

Ruby was Sam's girlfriend who wore leather jackets and rode motorcycles despite the fact that she doesn't have a licence, seeing as she is a freshman. She probably had a fake ID. What could Sam possibly see in her? Cas wondered. He was willing to bet she had introduced him to drugs or something. The terrible influence she was. Cas could tolerate her but just barely. He shook his head and replied to Sam.

Cas: surprise me.

He clicked his phone off and noticed he was only a few people from the front. He looked over a few peoples shoulders and saw a few people he recognized. Charlie Bradbury, a nerdy lesbian whom Cas always saw passing in the hallway. They would wave at each other or say a small 'hello'. Garth Fitzgerald, a boy who had been his lab partner a few times. And Kevin Tran, the super smart supposed-to-be-freshman who is so smart that he's a senior. He sits beside Cas in math. Rumor has it he'll do your homework for 50 cents a problem. Cas realizes he's next in line and steps forward, handing the man his ticket. He receives a purple stamp on his hand in the shape of a football and walks into the stadium, locating Ruby and sitting down.
"Hey." She smiles.
"Hello." Cas replies awkwardly.
It's not long before Sam shows up, handing Cas a bottle of water, some skittles, and a pickle.
"Is this a gay joke?" He teases and Sam laughs and shakes his head.
About halfway through the game, Cas gets up to go pee. He passes couples making out underneath the bleachers and popular kids smoking cigarettes behind the old bathrooms that no one uses anymore on his way. The bathroom that everyone uses may be new but it stinks like cow manure and Castiel has to breathe through his mouth as he pees to avoid the stench. He's just zipping his pants up when he hears the last voice that he would want to hear.
"The ladies bathroom is next door." Crowley taunts him.
"Thanks, but last I checked, I have all the required parts to be a guy," Cas murmurs.
"What was that, Novak? Sorry, I couldn't hear you," Crowley got close to him, "because I could've swore you just said that you were a guy. But my understanding is that guys, ya'know, the real ones? We take chicks home and...well I'm sure you can imagine the rest." He laughs with his buddies.
Cas is silent for a moment but gathers his courage. He'll be damned if he lets Crowley push him around anymore.
"Well, actually. Believe it or not, I am a guy. I've got a dick and everything. Always have. Wanna see it? As for taking chicks home...well, I'll leave that to you. I've got the hottest guy in the world. You wanna know what we do? We-" Cas is cut off by Crowley kneeing him in his unmentionables. He doubles over in pain.
"Don't ever offer to expose yourself to me again. I guess it's true, all fags are rapists and perverts." He sneers.
"Ha!" Cas attempts to laugh through the pain, "Don't flatter yourself, you're not my type. And honestly I don't see how you're anyone's type." Cas manages a smile.
"Oh you think you're funny, huh? Piece of shit queer." Crowley kicks him in the chest and stomach. The first few hurt but by the time his friends join in, Cas has become numb to it. He doesn't let himself cry until they leave. And he cleans himself up, practicing moving without screaming in pain before he finds Dean and they drive back to Cas' house.

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