Chapter 8

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When Castiel woke up, he was in complete darkness. His first thought? Am I dead? He started breathing heavily and got up. He tripped about a thousand times before finding a wall, and then, a light switch. He flicks it on and lets his eyes adjust. He's in a bedroom that's tiny compared to his at his house. White walls, one covered in posters of rock bands (old and new) and action movies. A blue bed. Dresser, nightstand, etc. Castiel, now terrified, locates the door and stumbles into a hallway. At the end of the hallway, he finds a living room with a TV on and a boy, maybe 15, passed out on the couch. Cas wanders into the the next room where he hears voices. There, he sees Bobby and Dean. They stop in mid conversation when they see him. Then they all have a silent staring competition.

"What in the-" Bobby breaks the silence but Dean cuts him off.

"Cas is a friend from school. His folks are out of town for the night and he doesn't like staying home alone, so I told him he could crash here. That okay?" Dean lied.

"Sure." Bobby replied, obviously unconvinced, but apparently not caring one way or the other.

"You hungry?" Bobby asked, "there's some leftover lasagna in the fridge."

Castiel twiddled his thumbs before stuttering out a "N- no thank you. I'm kind of tired, I'm just gonna go lay down." He said and walked away. He heard Dean say something to Bobby, then Bobby back to Dean, then Dean came jogging after Castiel.

"I'm sleepy too." He says matter-of-factly. And Cas rolls his eyes. Once they're in the room Cas assumes is Deans, Cas says "My head hurts." And Dean says "One second." before sprinting out of the room. He returns a few minutes later with a pill and a glass of water.

"It's aspirin." He informs Cas. Cas takes the pill with the water then lays down, his eye lids are like bowling balls.


He wakes up again to find the lights off but Dean awake, laying beside him and watching some pre-2000s sitcom on the TV and he can't help but stare. Stare at the way his tan features seem to glow in the light of the TV, the way his green eyes dance from one character to the other, the way his mouth is always turned up at one corner, the way his lips parted perfectly. And when he looked at Cas, his heart skipped a beat.

"Hey sleepy head." He smiled down on him.

"Hey." Cas croaked out, his throat dry from sleep.

"Sleep well?"

"What time is it?"

Dean looked at his phone "1:27 in the morning."

"Jesus. Why are you awake?"

"Couldn't sleep."

"Why am I here?"

"You were too out of it for me to ask where you live so I just brought you here."

"Oh. Um. Thank you."

"For what?"

"Saving me. I could've been died had you not shown up when you did."

"How much do you remember?" Dean asked, sounding worried. Cas just chuckled.

"All of it."



Dean cursed under his breath and Cas used his best Dean voice "'I am gay for Castiel.'" He quoted.

Dean blushed.

"I uh.." He blushed more furiously every second. And Cas wanted to tell him. He wanted to tell him so bad. He wanted Dean to kiss him right then and there. He wanted to run away with Dean. He wanted to escape his brothers. And Crowley. And everyone. But he couldn't. So instead, he just smiled and looked around the room. He was just about to switch to small talk when his eyes fixed on a picture on Deans nightstand. The picture featured a family. A young couple with two little kids in a park.

"Who's this?" Castiel asks with a smile. Deans face immediately falls. He takes the picture and stares at it. He's silent for so long and Castiel worries but after a while, Dean speaks.

"That's uh..that's my family." His voice small. Almost as small as Castiel felt.

"I-..I'm sorry." Cas apologizes and reaches for the picture to put it back, but Dean holds his grip on it and shakes his head.

"No. No it's okay." He forces a smile but is near tears. "That's my little brother, Sammy," he says and his eyes light up at the name, "you saw him, he was in the car the other day when I gave you a ride. He's a pain but he's a smart kid. Really really smart. He knows more than me and he's only in 8th grade. Wants to go to Harvard. That other kid, that's little me. The man is my dad. He's a douche an he's abusive and he's in prison because of drugs but the crazy thing is, I love him anyways. And that lady....that's my mom. She died a few weeks after this picture was taken. There was uh...there was a house fire. She didn't make it." He stares at the picture for second more before handing it back to Cas sets it back where it was and he turns away from me, his shoulders shaking. Cas determines that he's crying and reaches over to him.

"Hey." Cas whispers quietly, wrapping his arms around Dean. "Shh, hey, it's okay." And they fall asleep like that. Cas holding Dean. Deans sobs slowly dying out. The TV on at low volume. And the next morning when they woke up, and Dean was sleep dazed and adorable, Cas felt so in love.

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