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As usual, i had to go to work. But today, i had a meeting with ERIC to help him seduce JIOVANNI ! I was really happy, because it would mean that no one could date Karlla and i would be able date her, after peacefully "eliminating" my rival, jiovanni. 

When i got to school, i was surprised to see Karlla waiting near the big entrance doors. She said "hey you ! Yes, you ! The alien! " O EM GEE ! Karrla knew that i was an alien ! Ok maybe it's obvious but... still ! I approched her nervously and slightly blushing. Then, she spoke to me " Is that true that jiovanni is BISEXUAL ??" I immediatly responded : Um... maybe ? I don't really know... and she walked away, saying, ugh okay... (oh My Gode !! if jioVanni is BisExuAl TheRe would Be no ProBleM foR hIM to DatE eRic !!)

At lunch, i met eric, to discuss how we would get him in couple with jiovanni. I announced him that it was possible for jiovanni to like both girls and boys, that he was bisexual. Eric seemed happy... First, we aggreed to find jiovanni's clothing interests, favorite foods, and what he likes to do, so eric could wear clothes of jiovanni's favourite style, and bring food that jiovanni enjoys to school so he can give some to him ! 

First, we had to find jiovanni. We finally saw him, talking with Karlla. Eric and i hid behind a large tree. I noticed that my future wife brought strawberries. As soon as jiovanni saw the fruits, he said " Oh ! Strawberries ! They're my favourite snack !" We had found one of Jiovanni's preferences. Karrla offered some of the strawberries to him.

They also talked about clothes... and we now knew that jiovanni liked the color green. Tomorrow, eric would come to school with green clothes and strawberries in his lunch. 

The bell rang (ugh) and i had to get back to work and eric to class. He had math. (i hate maths) i watched the three students heading back to school, hiding myself from Karlla and jiovanni. I wanted to kiss Karlla so badly...

Well, i will date her and marry ourselves together one day ! Soon ! I hope...

The love between Yo Wassup and KarllaWhere stories live. Discover now