The first Meeting

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It was 8 o'clock in the morning.

I was late to school, because i'm lazy, and i'm a janitor so i just need, like, to clean the school. I was just entering the wide doors when i saw HER, Karlla, with some of her friends.


Karlla has curly brown hair with brown skin and FABULOUS EYES~  I just hid in the corner spying on my love until the bell rang. Karlla had to go to class. ( i'm sure she will miss me even if she doesn't know me yet)

For the rest of the day, i cleaned the school while watching secretly my love Karlla... then the bell rang to end the schoolday. I walked home with a smile on my face and hearts in my eyes.

The love between Yo Wassup and KarllaWhere stories live. Discover now