
Jimin smiled and reaches over to grab his phone from the nightstand, letting Taehyung get more comfortable while he searches through his contacts for 'Jungkoooook', sending the request to video call him once he's found his name in his contacts. It rings a couple of times, but it doesn't connect, so he tries again before Taehyung can even notice that it has been longer till it conected since the last time he videocalled (that being with Bang PD)

Only at the third time Taehyung seems to notice and he grips Jimin's wrist.

''Hey doesn't want to talk to us!''

"That's not- he's probably busy!'' Jimin says, trying to calm the child down, that not being the right words for it as he sees Taehyung's eyes well up with tears. ''Tae please he knows how much you miss him, he wouldn't do that!"

"If he knew, he wouldn't have left!" Taehyung screams and jumps off of the bed.

''Taehyung," Jimin says more firmly now because he needs to let Taehyung know Jungkook didn't want to leave, not when he knew that Taehyung really didn't want him to. He wants to be more firm with him, but he can't bring himself to do that when Taehyung starts to sob softly. It breaks his heart to see him like this, it really does. He's used to seeing him so happy and energetic, so seeing him like his just hurts him. He pulls him closer and presses a kiss to his head, not saying a word because he knows that whatever he says won't help.

He knows that all Taehyung wants right now is to see Jungkook, to have him back at the apartment.

Jimin isn't sure how long he holds Taehyung, rocking him gently to try and calm him, but it feels like almost an hour before the boy is only reduced to soft sniffling and hiccups, and Jimin just keeps rocking him untill, after two hours of sitting in an uncomfterble posision, Taehyung falls asleep.

That breaks Jimin's heart even more, cause he didn't just fall asleep, no, he cried himself to sleep.

Jimin can feel the tears roll down his cheeks as he holds onto Taehyung thighter. He feels tired, this is the third time that Taehyung cries himself to sleep and he again, couldn't do anything to stop it from happening.

He sniffles, whiping his nose as he holds Taehyung close to his chest and stands up. The rest of the bands are probably still asleep concidering how early it was. He walks to the living room and sits down on the couch, softly caressing Taehyung's red puffy cheeks before dozing off again.

When Jimin wakes up the first thing he hears is talking, Taehyung's giggles and the other members happy laughter. Jimin smiles and gets up, walking to the place where the sound is comming from, that being the kitchen.

What he sees immadiatly brings a smile to his face.

''Hey kookie.'' Jimin smiles.

"Hey, hyung!'' Namjoon smiles back, despite looking very exhausted. "Sorry for not answering earlier, I was in a meeting."

"And now you look like you've just woken up."

"No, I'm just really tired, the filming is fun but it also is exhousting!" Jungkook whines and he can see Taehyung laughing too.'

'Gukkie is laughing too so I should too!'

Jimin gives him a sympathetic but happy smile and he's just about to speak again when Taehyung beats him to it.

"Gukkie, come home!"

"Taehyung, you know I can't come home yet, I have to work."

"But I miss you!"

"I know you do," Taehyung sighs softly, and Yoongi notices the look he has, he recognizes it. It's the one he gets when he's usually fighting with his own thoughts, mostly when he is writing a song (now just mostly cause of Taehyung)

"I'm sorry, Tae."

Instead of replying to him, Taehyung just climbs off of Seokjin's lap, that Jimin only now notices he was sitting on and leaves the kitchen, and Jimin knows he's crying when he hears Yoongi calling for him, but he's just ignored. He watches as Hoseok runs after him and then looks back to Jungkook, who looks just as heartbroken as the all feel.

"He hates me."

"He doesn't hate you, Jungkook."

"He does, I know he does."

"You're being stupid."

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