Chapter 10: 'Trying Something Different'

Start from the beginning

‘Oh, it doesn’t really matter what I need the information for and trust me, no one is going to dare cross you. I mean, you’re the best quarterback the school has seen in years. Everyone looks up to you; they wouldn’t dare think anything bad of you.’ I knew I was lying to the kid, but I had to do what I had to do to get what I wanted. That was Emily.

‘Guess not, man.’ He seemed pretty happy with himself at that moment and I decided to let him soak it up while he could.

‘So the information?’ I looked at him quizzically.

‘Oh yeah, so here’s what I found out…’ As Jason told me what I needed to know my plan slowly began to formulate. I would get what I wanted.

Emily’s P.O.V.

I couldn’t shake the feeling the next day that I was being followed. It may have been because I didn’t get home until late and didn’t get much sleep. I had went into Daniel’s apartment and we ate and talked and before I knew it, it was 10 and my mom was texting me. I got home by 10:30 but then I stayed up texting Daniel until 11 and so I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep.

Must be why I’m paranoid.

Daniel texted me through most of my classes and I told him that I was going to fail all my classes, drop out of high school, and get a job at Burger King and it would all be his fault, but according to him, that would be alright because he liked Burger King.  When he had to go to work and couldn’t text, I missed him bantering to me. When it was time for lunch I was relived. Finally some time where I didn’t have to think. I ditched my books in my locker, and walked to the lunchroom, sitting at the back table Jessica and I shared most every day.

‘Hey Jess. How’s your day going?’ I smiled at her and sat down at my spot across from her.

‘Pretty good. History was killer today though; Mr. Borski was feeling particularly ruthless I guess.’ I cringed and shook my head. I had history next block.

‘Something to look forward to, I guess.’ My voice was dripping with sarcasm.

‘Yeah, another thing to look forward to is that, Jason Jock-Aholic dude is looking for you. He was asking me all kind of random questions about you. It was really weird. I just told him to go screw himself.’

‘Why would he be looking for me?’ I felt my heart rate spike and I didn’t know if I could control it.

‘I don’t know. He was asking what you were doing today, when you would be in here, all kinds of weird stuff. I didn’t answer him though. I figured you didn’t want him knowing your business.’ She shrugged her shoulders non chalantly. I on the other hand was freaking out. Why was Jason asking around about me? What was he planning?

‘Yeah. Thanks for that. It’s really weird he’s asking about me, I mean, we’ve been broken up since our freshman year, not like we even talked after that.’ I shook my head and decided not to worry about it. Jessica looked over my shoulder and had a quizzical look on her face as her head tilted slightly to the left. She was looking at a point above my head and I slowly turned around.

I jumped in my seat, my heart pounding in my chest because behind me was a males chest. A very toned chest, if that’s a matter. I looked up and saw that it was Daniel smiling down at me. I jumped out of my chair and threw my arms around his neck pulling him into me. His hands gripped around my waist and lifted me slightly off my feet.

‘What are you doing here?’ My cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling but I was so happy to see Daniel and couldn’t get the smile off.

‘Oh, I thought I would get a more excited greeting than that, I guess I’ll just have to leave…’ He pulled out of the hug and made as if he was going to walk away before I grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

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