Ride 2: A New Beginning Part 2

Start from the beginning

"A trigger?" I asked

"Yup, there are 4 types of triggers, the thing that all of them have in common is that they guve 5000 plus power to one of your units but each trigger has a different effect, first is a Stand Trigger which lets you stand a rear-guard, next is a draw trigger which lets you draw a card, then theres a critical trigger which lets you add a trigger to one of your units, then theres a heal trigger which lets you heal a damage from your damage zone" Chrono explained

"Alright...drive trigger check Burgmon (Critical trigger) a critical trigger, ill give the power to Brave and the critical to Ex-aid"

Ex-aid jumps and hits Jackal 2 times with his hammer with a "HIT" marker with it

"When i take damage i perform a damage check, similar to drive check's i reveal the top card of my deck but instead of putting it to the hand i put it to my danage zone, the player that gets 6 cards in the damage zone first loses" Chrono explained "damage check, first check (Chronobeat Buffalo) nothing, second check....(Chronovalley Rabbit) Critical Trigger, ill give all effects to my vanguard"

"Next ill attack with Brave!"

"Now here's where the guard mechanic comes in, remember the shield part of a card? Thats where this comes in, i can place a card from my hand to the center which is the guard circle and add attack to my vanguard depending on the shield of the card i guarded with, i guard with Stratos Falcon" Chrono Said

Brave was about to hit Jackal with his sword until a Falcon defends him and takes the hit

"When a unit is used to guard, it goes to the drop zone" he said as he place the card to his drop zone

"I end my turn" i said

Hand: 5
Soul: 0


Hand: 3
Damage: 2

"My turn draw! I ride Chronobeat Buffalo (9000) and i call Cronoclaw Monkey, boosted by Chrono Dran i artack with Chronobeat! (9000-14000)"

the Buffalo charges Ex-aid

"No guard"

"Drive trigger check, (Chronotheraphy Hamster) Heal Trigger, power to Chronoclaw Monkey and i heal one damage"

The Buffalo hits Ex-aid with a powerfull punch

"Damage trigger check (Kamen Rider Snipe level 2) nothing"

"Chronoclaw Monkey attacks! (14000-21000)"

"No Guard"

The Monkey slashes Ex-aid with his claws

"Damage check (Bugster Grunt) Draw Trigger, all effects goes to Ex-aid and i draw a card"

"I end my turn" Chrono said

Hand: 3


Hand: 6
Soul: 0
Damage: 2

"My turn Stand and Draw! I ride Kamen Rider Ex-aid level 2 (9000)"

"Dai Henshin" Ex-aid said as he crosses his arms together before he grips the panel on his belt and folds it open reveal a screen underneath and a figure


He transforms into looks like a grown up version of Ex-aid, he had a visor, the game-pad and the health like his level 1 form but the health and game-pad piece had extra armor pieces, the head looked similar to Ex-aid's level 1 form but he has a green collar now, on the legs he had gray kneecaps and green sneakers, on his back is what looks like his level one mask

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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