"Hey, you finally awake. Now, tell me what your name is and where you live so that I can send you home."

The little boy began to cry his eyes out again when he heard the word 'home'. This caused the hunter to panic as he didn't know how to comfort a crying child. That was one of the reasons why he disliked kids.

The hunter has no other choice but to approach the boy and hug him awkwardly to calm him down. It took another hour before the boy finally stopped crying and it took another one for the boy to start talking and introduced himself while eating.

The hunter was having a dilemma whether he should just send the boy back to his village or to take care of the boy himself. But, when he saw the boy thanked him for the meal with a little smile, he was drawn to the boy and so, he chose the latter option. He wanted to see the boy smile more.

"Hey, why don't you stay here with me? You have nowhere else to go right? I can't guarantee that I can take good care of you but at least, I won't let you starve or get hurt again."

The little boy was actually surprised to hear that. He honestly thought that the hunter will send him away after the meal as the hunter was clearly not really comfortable with children. Nevertheless, he was grateful for that offer. And he accepted it.

Five years has passed since both of them are living together. The hunter never regrets his decision to take care of the boy. His everyday life became livelier with the presence of the boy.

One day, the hunter received a letter informing him that his grandpa has passed away and he was told to attend the funeral. The whole journey back and forth would take three days.

"Dad, can you please don't go?" The boy asked the hunter which he already considered as his new father.

"Why?" The hunter was curious. He used to leave his son alone for a couple of days to do some works and the son never complained about it.

"I have a bad feeling about this. If you insist to go, I want to tag along."

"Silly. There is nothing to worry about. Just stay here and watch the house for me. I promise you that I will be fine", the hunter said with a gentle voice while ruffling his son's hair.

Albeit he was unwilling to let his father go, he trusted his father's words that he will be fine. But, his father never comes back after three days. Instead, he received news telling him that the carriage that his father was in has involved in an accident and his father died on the spot.

The boy cried. He regret why he didn't insist on coming along with his father. Now, he is left all alone forever. Why? Just why you didn't keep the promise to me?


There was a well-known doctor in the town that was rumour to be a prodigy as he can cure almost every illness. Despite his cold demeanour towards other people, he was well respected and many women attempted to flirt with him as he was not only young, but he was also good-looking.

There was a petite young girl with messy brown hair who lives near the doctor's house. She cooked for the doctor and often helped to clean the doctor's house. In fact, she was the only person in the town to which the doctor opened his heart to. She was the only one to whom the doctor spent his time with when he was not treating patients. Her kind heart and her warm smile have managed to melt the ice that enclosed his heart ever since both his parents passed away in a fire.

The doctor was planning to propose to her when the girl caught some mysterious disease. He tried everything that he could to cure her but failed. The girl's body weaken over days to the state that she can't even get off from her bed.

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