I scream at the top of my lungs and I clench my eyes shut and wait for the impact, but it never came, I feel arms catch me and my eyes snap open as tears roll down my face "whoa, its ok I got ya" a familiar voice says and I look up and I see the one and only alex gaskarth

He puts me down and I'm shaking up to storm and jazzy runs out with Theo and I take him out of her arms and hug him close to me as he cries "he saw you fall, scared the little shit senseless" jazzy says and I hug him tighter "shhhhh Theo its ok" I say softly and His crying dies down

Being the youngest in the house at 5, we're all very overprotective of him, I turn to Alex "how can I help? Maddie has gone shopping" I say sweetly "well, I saw you singing on the street earlier and wanted to talk to you" he says and I smile "well come in! Dont mind the girls, we were just cleaning" I say

We walk in and I see Ellie and Amy cleaning the floor "Ellie, Amy good work girls!" I say and they giggle and smile and we walk past may who's dusting and she's hanging upside down on the railing "may be careful, but good work!" I say and she smiles and gets down

I smile at the girls help each other out "marz? Can you lift me up? I can't reach" Hanna asks "I'll be happy to, Alex if you take a right the guest room is there, jazzy take Theo" I say as I hand Theo to jazzy "take Alex to the guest room" I say and she nods ad I get Hanna up on my shoulders

I finish and all the girls put everything away and they turn to me "ok girls, that was amazing, this place looks spotless and since you all helped each other out, I'll get you all ice cream when I get the money" I say and they all smile and cheer and I grin

"Girls, go up to your rooms or do whatever, I have to take care of the guest" I say and they nod and run up the stairs and I smile and I walk to the guest room and I walk in "sorry about that, just had to help them clean a little" I say and he smiles "its no problem" he says

I sit down as jazzy sits next to me with Theo "ok so, you want to adopt right?" I ask and he nods "ok, is there any age range you'd like?" I ask "uuuh 10-15" he says and I nod "be right back" I say and I walk out "LOLA, BETH, CAM AND SARA! WE HAVE SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO ADOPT!" I yell up the stairs

I hear squeals and I smile and the door opens "sammy! We have a guest!" I say and I help her with the bags "you go deal with him, I'll put stuff away, he wants a girl from 10-15 years old, his Name is Alex gaskarth and I've already called the girls down, oh! And we cleaned" I say and she smiles at me

"Your a good kid" she says and I smile and I start to pack away the food, after about half an hour everything was pact away and sammy comes in "hey sugar, Alex wants to talk to you" she says and I nod and we walk to the guest room and Alex smiles at me

I smile back and sit down "hi!" I chirp and he smiles "hi, so I've talked to everyone, and jazzy told me your turning 15 next year, so I want to talk to you" he says "ok, what you wanna know?" I ask happily "why were you put in here? If you dont mind me asking" he says and I smile sadly

"Well, my mom was a single mom and I love her very much and I miss her very much, but she had severe cancer and she fought it for most of her life, but when I turned 10 she passed away, so me and my sister where put here! My sister was adopted last year, but seperatly" I explain with tears in my eyes

"I love it here tho, I have a family here, Maddie treats me like if I was her own daughter and I have jazzy and Theo as well as the others here to" I say happily and jazzy hugs me and I hug back "so you dont want to get adopted?" He asks "she would love to" sammy says before I could even talk and I turn to her

"Sam?" I ask and she smiles "she'd love to be adopted, especially by her hero" she says and I hug her and she hugs back "I'll miss you so much" I whimper "I'll miss you to, so will the girls and Theo" she says "oh my God Theo" I say as my eyes widen and I take him out jazzys arms and I sit in front of Alex again "sorry about that" I say and he smiles "its no problemo" he says and I giggle

adopted by alex gaskarthOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant