Chapter 10: Cloud Guy

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Pamela, Poppy and Branch got up and headed to the road again. As they walked through the forest again, Poppy stood beside Pamela who already expected her question. "What?".

"You like Creek..." she said in a sing-song voice but Pamela blushed and sighed as she held the bridge of her nose. "Poppy, for the hundredth time, I don't like him that way. I only like him as a friend. And definitely not a crush. No.".

"So, you don't like him." Branch asked which surprised Pamela. She turned to Branch and nodded. "Yeah. I'm gonna admit. I secretly just wanna be his friend. Because... I have no friends. The reason why I just want to be friends with Creek is because he's really positive. I only pretend I hate him because I know how much you like him, Poppy.".

Pamela said and smirked as she looked at Poppy who was only blushing a little. Branch blinked as he looked away from both of them. Pamela knew exactly why Branch was acting like that. She stood beside him and elbowed him. She smirked as she aimed her head at Poppy. Branch rolled his eyes and continued on. Pamela smiled as she was way back, but then she ran after them. "Guys! Wait!".

Finally, they were in front of the escape tunnels. They all looked around and Poppy asked. "So one of these tunnels leads to the Troll Tree."

"That's right." Branch replied and Poppy looked around again."I wonder which one...".

"I don't know..." Branch replied while brushing his finger on the dust. Then an eerie voice spoke. "Choose a hole wisely. For one will lead to Bergen Town, and the others to certain death! Death, death".

"Who said that?" Branch asked as they looked around, then the voice spoke again. "It was... me.".

Then a cloud pulled out its legs and arms and showed its eyes and mouth and walked towards them. "Hey, guys. How's it going? Welcome to the root tunnels. Uh, I just wanted to warn you, that one of these tunnels lead to the Troll Tree, and one leads to the others lead to death, death, death.".

"Great, a talking cloud. Things couldn't get better." Pamela said and Poppy elbowed her. Pamela shrugged and she crossed her arms and glared at the cloud. "What do you know, cloud?".

"The name's Cloud Guy. And I see all, and know all. What are your names?" He asked as Pamela snickered. "I present you, Cloud Guy! The one who sees all, knows all and doesn't know our names! Great...".

"Do you think you can tell us which is the right one?" Poppy asked and CG replied. "You bet.".

"Great!" Poppy said but Branch pulled them back. "No, that's ok, we're fine thanks.".

"Branch? What are you doing?" Poppy asked as Pamela turned to Poppy. "I agree with him. I don't think we can just trust any clouds. They're everywhere! He doesn't even know our names!".

"Of course he doesn't know our names. We just met!" Poppy said and Pamela replied. "Poppy, he just said he 'sees all, knows all' but he doesn't even know our names! So that's a lie! And he'll probably even bring us to the wrong one and lead us to 'certain death'.".

"Yeah. I don't like the looks of him, I mean, who wears socks with no shoes?!" Branch replied and Poppy turned to them. "It seems he knows what he's talking about.".

"Ok, fine." Branch said as they all turned around. "Which way do we go?".

"First, you have to give me a high five, then I'll tell you." He said but Branch said. "What?".

"Oh! Oh! I'll do it!" Poppy said but Cloud Guy turned to Pamela and Branch. "Oh, I know you'll do it. But will they?".

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