Chapter 8: The Rescue

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Pamela kept mumbling and murmuring of how insecure and immature Poppy was. She pushed vines and branches away as she gasped and saw spiders gathering around Poppy. "Oh, no, Poppy! Do I have to do this all the time?".

Pamela grabbed a vine and swung up there and landed in the center of the spiders. They all roared as she pulled out a spear. She looked back to check Poppy out, but suddenly she was gone. She turned around and saw Branch holding her in his hair. Then the spider roared and caught her attention. "Get back!".

She said but then Branch stood in front of her and pulled out a frying pan and threw it at them. But then it was completely useless. Pamela turned to him with a serious look. "Seriously?! A frying pan?".

Then he shrugged and whipped his hair at the spiders. While he was doing so, Pamela ran to Poppy and checked if she was breathing. She gasped as she turned to Branch. "She's not breathing!".

"Hold on!" Branch said and got the spiders swollen by another hill-looking creature. Then Branch panted as he smiled. Then he gasped and turned to Poppy as he quickly grabbed a pointy leaf and two bugs. He it the sipderwebs off her and started rubbing the two bugs together and laid them on her. Then Poppy got up and yelled. "Get back up again! Branch! My main man, you are right on time.".

"Oh right, like you knew I was coming." Branch said as Pamela smirked. "Luckily he didn't do CPR".

Then Poppy punched her shoulder as Pamela laughed. Branch blushed and shook his head and turned serious. Then Poppy stood up and they continued to walk around. "Sooner we get to Bergen Town, sooner we can rescue everybody, and make it home safely.".

"Wait, wait, wait, what's the plan?" Branch said as they followed Poppy. Poppy then turned around and shrugged her shoulders. "I just told you, to rescue everyone and make it home safely.".

"That's not a plan, that's a wishlist." Branch said and Pamela nodded in agreement. "I'm with Branch on this one.".

"Oh, I suppose you have a plan." Poppy said and Branch cleared his throat. "First, we get to the edge of Bergen Town without being spotted, then we get inside by sneaking through the old escape tunnels, which will then lead us to the Troll Tree, right before we get caught and suffer a miserable death, in the hands of a horrible blood thirsty bergen! Hold on a minute, are you scrapbooking my plan?".

"Poppy, for the hundredth time. Don't ever scrapbook again." Pamela said and crossed her arms as she sighed. Then Poppy stood up, holding out the scrapbook open. "Too late."

"We did it!" The scrapbook cheered as glitter came puking all over Pamela and Branch's face. Pamela face-palmed and sighed. "Not again...".

"There will be no more... scrapbooking." Branch replied and blew his nose as glitter flew out. Then they were walking on a log and Poppy kept humming and singing. But Pamela was quiet, then Branch asked. "Do you have to sing?".

"I always sing when I'm in a good mood." Poppy said and Branch replied. "Do you have to be in a good mood?".

"Why wouldn't I be? By this time tomorrow, I will be with all my friends!" Poppy said and back flipped down from a branch and stood beside him. "I wonder what they're doing right, now.".

"Probability being digested." Branch replied and Pamela and walked beside them as Poppy replied. "They're alive, Branch, I know it.".

"You don't know anything, Poppy, and I can't wait to see the look on your face when you realize the world isn't all cupcakes and rainbows, 'cause it isn't. And there's nothing you can do about it.".

Branch said and left Poppy and Pamela behind. Then Pamela whispered to Poppy who's expression saddened for a while. "Don't worry, he's just stressed out. I'll go talk with him.".

Then Pamela ran beside Branch and told him. "Hey, Poppy may be annoying and insecure but-"

"Shh." Branch said and put his finger over her lips. Pamela asked. "Is there a Bergen?".

"Maybe..." Branch replied and continued on. Pamela looked around and knew he was lying. She just sighed and face-palmed and continued walking forward.


Guys! For the first time! This isn't a cliffhanger! Hooray! I just wanna thank my parents and all my- I'm joking guys. Plus, the chapter was 700+ *gasp* That was the first. Stay tuned! And I don't get the pillows again!

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