Its my birhday!!

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It's my Birthday!!

Continuing story- Renesmee point of view

~Renesmee P.O.V

Yay it's my birthday today!

I woke up an jake wasn't laying next to me. I felt cold, so I put on his shirt. I was wondering where he was, then my bedroom door opened.

Jake walked in with some breakfast on a try.

"Happy Birthday Renesmee!"

Jake said handing me the tray of food.

"Awwh jakey! Thank you so much!"

I said then he kissed me on the cheek.

"Eat up Renesmee, you have a big day today. I'm going to have a shower, so when i finish you can hope in" jake said then walked to the bathroom.

"OK" I had a plate full food and honestly I couldn't finish all of it, so I ate as much as I could.

Jake was finished in the bathroom and came out.

"Ness, you can go get ready now" jake said, and took the tray of food.

I jumped up and hugged him. I wrapped my arms his neck and kissed him.

He hugged me tight and then let go.

"Ness I've got to go to the Rez today to see my dad, then I've go to go into town. I'll be back later" jake said placing me on the floor.

"Yeah that's fine. Hurry back" I said then kissed him one more time before he left.

He walked out the door. I then went to go have a quick shower. After the shower I got a phone call. I went to answer and it was my mum and dad.

"Hi Mum, Hi Dad!!" I was happy they called, it was my birthday so it was very special that they called.

"Hi honey, happy Birthday!" It was my mum.

"I'm great! Jake made me breakfast in bed this morning" I said in a cherpy voice.

"That was nice of him. Your dad wants to talk to you" mum said, and passed the phone to dad.

"Hey baby girl, Happy Birthday!" My dad said

"Hi dad, THANKYOU!" I was cheering over the phone.

"Sorry we can't be there for your 17th birthday, things are complicated ..."

My dad sounded worried.

"Umm, ok daddy. So when will you be home?"

I asked.

"In a weeks time" my dad answered.

"Ok. I love you dad" I said

"Me and your mother love you too. Have a great birthday and we will call you tomorrow. Bye sweetie" my dad said then hung up the phone.

I hoped everything was ok.

I called my friend Mia to invited her over.

We were going to get started on the party.

I called Mia.

"Hey girl. Are you Coming over soon?" I asked when she answered the phone.

"Yeah I'll be there in 10, I've gotta go pick up the gang.

Mia said, I was fine with that then I hung up the phone.

I cleaned the house, trying to spear time while the gang was coming.

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