I've done it

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I'm done.
I'm a freshman in high school now.

Grad was really fun; I got to see the people I've practically grown to love. I'll miss them all so much...

My birth mother and my brother came to go to my grad yesterday, so it was nice to see them. Tbh i don't really like my mom. but it was still nice to see her.

Today after school, they picked me up and we drove up to San Francisco for a day of fUN. We ate, walked around, and just caught up. I redownloaded Pokémon Go too, so I caught a lot of Pokémon.

Oh and,
We went to this knife store on the Pier. I forgot the name, but I felt like Keith in there. It was so cool to be in there oh my god. KNIVES ARE MY NEW PASSION.

Now, I have to go apologize to a certain someone because I was gone for a certain period of time.

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