If You Love Me, Let Me Go

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  Johnny Ghost sat next to his dying partner, his eyes glistening with tears. "Johnny..." he whispered, fear in his voice.
  Johnny Toast was losing energy just as fast as he was losing blood. He gave Ghost a faint smile and tried to speak. "S - sir..."
  "No, don't speak. I'm going to work this out...", Ghost started to breathe hard, "I am! I swear!"
  Toast just smiled again and tried to look at Ghost, but he couldn't see properly. He was losing his vision and everything was slowly fading to black.
  Ghost started to sob hard. "I - I'm sorry, Johnny! I c - could have d - done more... and this is how it ends! I n - n - never even told you how much y - you mean to me!"
  Toast grinned harded than ever after hearing that. "I'm glad I meant something to someone." He thought. He pulled all of the strength he had and spoke. "I - I'm glad I could be l - like a brother t - to you, sir."
  Ghost wiped the tears out of his eyes. "A brother?!", he laughed while still crying, "No, you were more than that. I - Johnny, I love you. I really do. I loved you even when you married Margaret."
  Toast grinned and tried to focus his vision on Ghost. "I've been waiting for you to say that."
  Ghost collapsed over top of Toast and hugged him hard, ignoring the blood that covered his white shirt. Toast put his arm on Ghost's back. "It'll be ok."
  "No it won't!", Ghost yelled, sitting up, "I've failed you, Johnny! Failed you!"
  Toast didn't respond. He just listened to Ghost sobs. He grabbed Ghost's hand and sighed. He realized that he only had one chance at staying alive. "S - sir. I have to - to die."
   Ghost's heart stopped. "No! You can't, Johnny! You have to live, I'm going to make sure of it!" He shouted.
  Toast figured Ghost wouldn't understand. "I d- don't have a choice. I'll be ba - back, and when I am, w - we'll go to my hou - house. Sound g - good, sir?" He laughed.
  Ghost sniffed and wiped his eyes again. "Please. There has to be another way." He said quietly.
  "Th - there's not." Toast sighed. He took one last deep breath and let go of the life he was holding onto.
  Ghost felt Toast's hands slowly become colder. He fell back on the ground and sobbed, not thinking about anyone hearing him, and not caring.
  Meanwhile, back by the car, Toast awoke with a jolt. The plan had worked - he had come back from the dead. "Thank you, Billy Acachalla." He mumbled to himself as he ran back to Ghost, hoping he hadn't done anything drastic.
  When Toast got back to the trapdoor, he found Ghost nearly drained of his tears lying on the ground. Toast squatted down next to Ghost and rubbed his hand on his back. Ghost looked up and gasped. He jumped on Toast and squeezed him hard in embrace.
  "Ow!" Toast exclaimed. He rubbed his arm, making it hurt worse.
  "What's wrong?" Ghost sniffed.
  Toast rolled up his sleeve, revealing that the werewolf bite had not gone away when he had come back from the dead. It looked worse than he expected; it was purple and puss filled. "That's no good." He mumbled to himself.
  "Oh no... that means...", Ghost gulped. He whispered the last part of the sentence, as if saying it normally would jinx something, "you're a werewolf."
  "I think you are, too, sir." Toast pointed out Ghost's abundance of scratches.
  Ghost jumped up. "No, no no nonononono!" He exclaimed.
  "Calm down! We'll be fine, sir!", Toast said, "I hope."

Tooth And Claw (A VenturianTale Story) (Minor Ghost X Toast)Where stories live. Discover now