Down The Trapdoor

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  Johnny Ghost shone his flashlight on the mysterious trapdoor. "What do you think it is, Johnny?", He asked, "I mean other than a trap door."
  Johnny Toast examined the door. "Hmmm.... I'm not sure. It could always just be a place the farmer stores feed, or  farming equipment." He suggested.
  "Yeah, but that's boring." Ghost said as he opened the trapdoor and peeked down. Even with his flashlight, it was hard to anything. Wanting to invest further, Ghost jumped down the hole.
  "Wait! Shouldn't we investigate more before we jump down, sir?!" Toast called, but it was too late. Ghost was dead set on exploring the hole.
  Ghost landed at the bottom on his stomach; it was deeper than he expected. He felt a pool around him and realized that he had landed in a mixture of water and blood. He quickly jumped to his feet. "Come on, Johnny! It's spooky down here!"
  "Sir, you literally deal with "spooky" things as a job." Toast stated blandly.
  "Oh, come on!" Ghost shouted as he shone his light around the room.
  Toast sighed and noticed a latter. He climbed down slowly, as not to fall over. When he reached the bottom, he stepped over the puddle. "You're right, it is rather freaky, sir." Toast admitted.
  Ghost rubbed his hand on the wall of the small room. It came off red. He shuttered to think of whose blood that was. That's when he saw it.
  It was a large wolf, covered in red. It's black and grey fur stood on end the way an angry cat's did. It's eyes were the deepest red imaginable, piercing the night like high beam headlights. It snarled, revealing two uneven rows of gnarled and sharp teeth.
  Ghost jumped back, petrified. The beast lunged at him, but Toast jumped in front of him in order to stop it. It grabbed Toast by the arm and bite hard, causing Toast to scream and fall over. Blood leaked out of the wound at an incredibly fast rate, staining his white shirt.
  Suddenly, something kicked in with Ghost's brain. Without thinking, he grabbed the knife out of his pocket and lunged at the beast; as if it were instinct. He stabbed the creature over and over, all the while being bitten and scratched. His eyes phased from brown to red slowly, and he stabbed faster and faster and faster until the wolf let out one last growl and fell over.
  Ghost twirled the knife in the air and caught it, grinning evil-like as he did so. He cleaned the knife on his jeans and stuck it back in his pocket.
  "G - good job, sir..." Toast managed to whisper. His blood loss was substantially more than he could handle, and it was making him weak.
  Ghost switched into panic mode on pulled Toast over his shoulder. "You're not dying on my watch.", he grunted, trying to sound tough, "And it certainly won't be down here." He used every last bit of strength to pull Toast and himself out of the hole. He laid his partner on the soft dirt outside of the barn and sat down quietly next to him. Now he just had to figure out how to make sure Toast lived, and that definitely was a daunting task.

Tooth And Claw (A VenturianTale Story) (Minor Ghost X Toast)Where stories live. Discover now