5 - gay, straight, whatever, you're always my little brother

Start from the beginning

"So your-"

"No I'm not gay," I told Lip before he finished. Ian sighed, putting his hand on my shoulder sending me comfort.

"Carl doesn't know how he feels towards girls or boys, he just needs to experiment around," I mentally thanked Ian in my head. Mickey stood up and patted my shoulder.

"Well lets experiment," Mickey smirked at me and Ian. Everyone else was shocked at me.

"I can't, I have school tomorrow," I told Mickey and he made an 'oh' shape with his mouth and nodded.

"Tomorrow night?" He asked me, I shrugged agreeing. Ian looked at his boyfriend, who stared at him.

"If I don't come some weird ass will check you out, I have to prevent that," Ian smirked at Mickey. I rolled my eyes and ran upstairs leaving my family to their own business.

I took out my phone and typed in Clay's number and texted him.


Clay's POV

I picked up my phone when I heard a pang. I smiled instantly when I seen it was from Carl.

From Carl:

I sat down on my bed cross legged, typing back simply.

(So this is gonna be type form, but will go back to Clay's POV afterwards)

To Carl;
Hey, what's up?

From Carl;
Nahda, how's my favourite blond?

To Carl;
He's tired but Grant keeps waking him up with annoying band shit.

From Carl;
Well tell Grant, my favourite blond has to sleep, also I was wondering something.

To Carl:

From Carl;
My brother, ian and his boyfriend Mickey are bringing me out tomorrow night. Wanna come?

To Carl;
Sure, where are we going?

From Carl;
To a gay bar probably, but you don't have to come if you don't want to.

From Carl;
I won't force you to come with.

To Carl;
Actually, I'd love to come with.

From Carl;
Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow princess.

(Back to Clay's POV)

I smiled down at Carl's message with every fibre in my body tingling, my thumb hovered above the message, thinking.

All I could imagine was why he asked me to come to a gay club with him, his brother and his brothers boyfriend. And I wondered if Carl would play me, just like every other person I've ever been with.

I fell asleep thinking about Carl and his smile, imagining what tomorrow will consist of.


Carl's POV

I laid in my bed, Ian and Mickey in his and Lip sitting at the bottom of mine. For the past few minutes the four of us had been talking.

"When did you think that you liked guys?" Lip asked me confused. I looked over at Lip then back to Ian and Mickey.

"Well, when Ian and Mickey sorta became a couple, I was really curious of what gay is," I began telling them, making the three of them direct their attention onto me.

"I was confused about the whole gay, lesbian, the whole LGBTQ+ community," I sighed, playing with my thumbs.

"So I literally looked everywhere and anywhere on being gay and what it feels like, so I could support Ian one hundred percent," a huge smile wiped over Ian's face when I looked down at him.

"And I am behind him one hundred percent. But near the end of mine and Dom's relationship, that's when I started to like this guy in my biology class," I sighed.

"That long?" Ian asked me and I nodded looking down at him then to Lip.

"And that's when I really became scared and worried, so I tried my hardest to stick with girls," I sighed rolling my eyes.

"But it hurt waking up everyday and be someone who I don't even think I am, so I think that I broke when I told Ian the other day," Lip, Mickey and Ian were surprised but nodded.

"Well I support you Carl," Lip put his hand on my shoulder. "Gay, straight, whatever, you're always my little brother," Lip smiled bumping my shoulder then hopping down.

"Now, I've to sleep so I can study tomorrow," with that Lip walked out, waving at us.

"I'm behind you too Carl," Ian told me when Lip left. Mickey looked at Ian, along with myself.

"You have to you thick shit," Mickey told Ian, causing me to chuckle when Ian looked at his boyfriend completely confused.


"Because you're fucking gay Ian!" Mickey hit Ian's shoulder playfully, gesturing his face. Ian smirked and nodded.

"But still, I'm behind you, now matter what," Ian added before laying down and slowly fell asleep.

I stared at the ceiling when my back hit the mattress.

"Carl?" I sat up and looked over at Mickey, who had a fag in between his lips.

"What?" I asked as he pasted the fag up to me. I took a puff from it and passed it back.

"The world is a different place now, you can go out in public and be proud of who you are, and if someone ever pisses on your parade, I'll fucking kill them myself, okay?" Mickey said in a serious tone. I chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah Mick, I understand, don't worry," Mickey stared at me for a minute. I nodded at him before he spoke again.

"Is it that dude Clay that came over yesterday?" Mickey asked me pulling that last drag from the fag. I nodded my head and stared at my feet.

"He's cute," Mickey said surprising me, making me look over at him. "But don't tell carrot top that I said that," With that Mickey winked and fell asleep beside my brother.

I smiled as I laid down, completely agreeing with Mickey and his remark about Clay being cute.

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