What is He Thinking?

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~Chapter 15~ .:What is He Thinking?:.


I raised my eyebrow,"Oi, Sasuke, you okay?"

He nodded and tried to hide his blush.

I smiled,"Looks like you've found your love too"

Sasuke didn't move or say anything and I was glad. It proves to me that he is in love...with Sakura for sure.


Hinata's POV

I walked slowly into second period, shivering in fear. I didn't want to see Naruto. I didn't want to see him hurt. I'll have to sit away from him today...

I sat on my seat and waited patiently until the bell.

Deidara sensei then spoke since it was awkwardly silent,"hey Hinata! Look what I drew on my hands!"

I looked up and saw mouths on his hands,"Did you paint that, Deidara-sensei?"

He nodded,"Un!"

Naruto stormed in, and was unexpectedly happy,"MORNING, DEIDARA SENSEI! MORNING HINATA-CHAN!"

I stayed quite and looked down, pretending as if I didn't hear anything.

He abruptly grabbed the chair next to me and sat down,"How's your day?"

I stood up,"Sorry, Naruto-kun. But-"

He grabbed my arm and stared deep into my eyes,"Stay with me Hinata-chan"

My eyes watered. I couldn't stay with him. How could I when Neji will beat Naruto if he sees me with him?

I said,"I can't Naruto-kun. I can't...don't want be with you anymore."

His eyes widened in pain and shock then he let go of my arm,"If you think it's best for us then fine"

My heart ached every step I took that went away from Naruto. I sat far from Naruto and grabbed my art supplies out as class started. Every now and then, Naruto would glance at me with his gloomy blue eyes.

During the rest of the day, I walked around with my aching heart. I didn't talk to anyone. I had no one to talk to anyways.

It was finally after school and my body begged me to rush home. I walked into Neji's and my meeting place and witnessed an argument between Tenten and Neji.

Tenten yelled,"I'm tired of your ridiculous behavior! I can't stand you any more! All you do is whine, you spoiled brat!", she left running in tears.

I quietly stood behind a tree but Neji could easily spot me.

"Let's leave", he said sternly, not even looking at me he walked tapers his car.

I looked down and walked after him and into his car. Our car rides were really awkward. After Neji separated me from Naruto, we haven't spoken fondly to each other.

I sat on the passenger seat while Neji took the driver's.

"He didn't bother you did he?", Neither asked as he drove outside the student parking lot.

I shook my head,"No, Neji-niisan"


After 15 minutes, we finally reached home.

I quietly greeted Father,"Good afternoon, Father"

"Good afternoon, Hinata"

I quickly went to my room. Again, dragging my aching heart that's wanting to see Naruto's smile. Naruto's smile is all I wanted. His warmth. His eyes. Him.

I locked the door of my room and sat on my bed as I held my chest in pain. I couldn't stand being away from Naruto. I felt like...dying. Even though we went out for a couple days, I'm in love with him.

I sighed and shivered when Suki's soft fur brushed on my feet. I whispered,"Hey, Suki"

She meowed as I gently pet her.

I sighed again and stared off at space. What is he thinking now?

Sasuke's POV

Killing was such a pleasure.

I stood in front of a man that I killed. His mouth had blood pouring up and his wound from behind his neck was also pouring a waterfall of blood.

This man I hated. His name was Danzo. Not only he competed with my father's company, he tried to kill me.

My phone rang and I checked the caller, it was Itachi.

"What?", I answered.

"Ooh scary. What's with the pissed off tone?"

"Get to the point niisan, I'm busy"

"We have a new band member. We also have to practice our song for a concert"

"Shit. When's the concert?"

"Next Friday"

"Okay. Well I can't really come right now"

"Why not? Our band is not important?"

"I never said that"

"Then come and practice"

"I don't need to"

"Sasuke, if you don't come in 20 minutes, I'll tell dad what you're really up to"

I sighed in defeat,"fine fine"

I turned off my phone and faced Gaara, who was sitting on a steel behind me,"Please take care of the body"

"No problem", Gaara stood from the stool and walked towards Danzo as I walked towards my car.

I drove quickly towards my *cough* house and parked near the garage.

I got out of my glorious car and walked into the garage.

I perked my eyebrows up in confusion. This guy is out new band member?! It can't be! He's such a weirdo! Why did Itachi let him join the band?!?! AAAAAHHHH!



Hm I wonder who the new band member is? Anyways, I really really really really appreciate all of your votes and comments! Although, I don't think I deserve it :P. Sorry for not updating so long! School has been drowning in on me! Sooooo see ya later!

Life of Konoha High (Naruhina, Sasusaku)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें