Chapter 40 ❀ Change of plans

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Colin's POV

"You've got to be kidding me. Are you sure this is correct? Can you check again, please?"

I looked up at Adam and Eddy, who were standing at the desk of the hotel to check us in. Eddy was leaning over the counter, making the receptionist even more nervous as he was watching his every move.

"I am sorry, sir," the receptionist said with a thick accent, shaking his head, "But I'm afraid it is correct. There is nothing I can do about it."

"Oh, for crying out loud..." Eddy slapped himself on the forehead; Adam patted his shoulder to calm him down, but it didn't seem to have any effect on him. There was an exhausted look on Eddy's face as he paced through the lobby of the hotel.

He wasn't the only one who was tired. We'd gotten to Rio de Janeiro about half an hour ago, after an almost 18-hour flight. Two vans had taken us from the airport to the hotel we were staying at for the convention, and we all just crashed down on the couches in the lobby. All of our suitcases were scattered around us, which was quite the sight since there were so many of us; Adam, Eddy, Jared, Rose, Jamie, Josh, Sean, Bex and Lana.

"What's going on over there?"

I looked up when Rose suddenly leaned forward and put an arm on my shoulder to support herself.

"I have no idea," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "But I'm going to find out."

I got up from the couch and headed over to Adam and Eddy. "What's the problem?" I asked when I'd gotten to the desk.

"Oh, something with the rooms," Eddy sighed. "I don't know what's going on, but they're saying we only booked for one night. We're good for today, but tomorrow we're going to have to figure out a way to book rooms for everyone in another hotel. There are no other rooms available in this hotel."

"Hm." I rapped my fingers on the marble desk, looking from Eddy to the receptionist. He was still frantically typing on his keyboard, looking more desperate every time he shook his head.

"Oh, whatever," I said eventually, because all I wanted was to unpack and get some rest. "Those are worries for tomorrow. Let's install ourselves for tonight."

After a few more seconds of frowning, Eddy nodded and we all headed upstairs with our suitcases. I took a long shower, put on another shirt and a pair of sweatpants and walked down the hallway to Sean's room. He swung the door open and started grinning when he saw what I was holding.

Of course I brought a guitar. It was the one I'd always kept in my trailer on set, since my favorite guitar was back home in Ireland.

Ten minutes later, Sean, Josh, Jared and I were all sitting on Sean's bed, jamming out to some random songs. I only headed back downstairs a few hours later, right before we were going out to get some dinner.

Rose and Jamie were already sitting on the couches when I got to the lobby. They were huddled together, giggling at Rose's phone.

"Okay, what are you up to?" I put on my best smoldering face and plopped down on the couch next to them.

"You know what time it is in New York?" Jamie asked with a grin.

New York.


"What, like... seven o'clock now? They're an hour behind, right?"

"Yep," Rose said. "Which means Jen's play is about to start. I think we should give her some words of encouragement before she takes the stage."

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