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"(Y/n), I lo-"


Sitting up, I see I'm in the most beautiful place. Flowers replicating a rainbow surrounding me, the sky a light pink, slowly but surely turning into a light orange. It's so beautiful. But, where even am I? Am I in some weird dream? Is this heaven? Is this real life? How did I get here? It's probably a dream.

I stand up, a get a better view of the mysterious place. I see him. My good dream-friend, Death The Kid. It's so odd. He's so nice and caring to me in dreams, but in real life, he acts like I don't exist. It's probably because it is a dream.

He turns around, and sees me. A small smile crawls upon his pale face, "(Y/n), how are you?"

I run towards him, when I reach him I tackle him to the ground,"I'm perfectly fine now that you're here! How are you?"

"I'm fine. So, why haven't I seen you in a while?"

"Oh, I haven't been having any dreams lately."

Music began to play, piano perhaps. The soft (and neat) melody filled the air, the notes dancing into our ears.

Kid looked me in the eye and turned a bit red,"May I take this dance, M'lady?"

I feel blood rush to my checks and ears, "You may."

He grabs my waist gently, acting as if I could break any second by the simplest touch. I rest my arm on his shoulders, even though he is a bit taller then me. With our free hands, we intertwined them, and rest our foreheads on each other's. Staring into each other's eyes, out of the corner of my eye I notice I changed outfits.

I was in a mid-length (Fave color) dress with (white/black) skulls on it, along with (white/black) knee socks, and black flats.

"(Y/n), I lo-"


"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Wake the hell up!"

I feel extra weight on my stomach, "Nrh...5 more minutes..."

"No! You lazy ass! Get up! We have school today!"



I look down at my outfit, a knee-length black leather skirt with some fishnets underneath, a (fave anime) t-shirt, and some black boots.

"Hey, (Y/n), guess what today is!"

"Hump day?"

"No! It's our 365th day at this school!"

"Oh great....one whole year at this school..."


He's an Ass! (Death The Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now