Kiss me, Kill me

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Task: Write a story where the first letter of each sentence is in alphabetical order.

Title: Kiss me, Kill me

A sliver of sunlight fell across my floorboards, and I clutched my covers closer to me. Blinking open my eyes as my alarm went off, I flung out my arm to smack it and turn it off. Climbing out of bed I rubbed my eyes and stood up, the last few clinging bits of sleep drifting out of my mind. Dressing myself quickly I grabbed my phone and my notebook and dropped them into my bag, flipping the flap closed and hopping down the stairs in a rush. Easing myself into a seat at the kitchen island, I grabbed my bowl. Fumbling with my bowl and a cereal box in the crook of my arm as I reached for the milk, I called up the stairs at Percy, my twin brother.

"Get down here, we're going to be late!" I yelled up the stairs, before dumping milk and cereal into my bowl and scooping some up with my spoon. Humming softly to myself as Percy thundered down the stairs, I quickly finished off my cereal and grabbed the keys off of the kitchen table while Percy shovelled food into his mouth as fast as humanly possible.

"Isn't Jacob picking you up?" Percy asked. Jacob was my boyfriend, who had been going to pick me up, but then canceled at the last second, as he usually did.

"Kaylie's waiting for me, so let's go," I said, not answering his question. Leaning on the doorframe, I twirled the keys on their ring around my finger. My brother and I shared a car, since we were twins and it 'saved money' for my parents. Not that I really minded, since my brother and I were pretty close. Opening the car door, I slipped in and Percy slipped in after me.

"Persephone? Just break up with Jacob already," Percy told me over the sound of the music I had turned on, but his words were lost to my ears through the loud guitar solo that had come on. Quickly pulling into the school parking lot, I grabbed my bag from behind me. Ripping open the zipper on one of the pockets I grabbed my phone, slipping it into my pocket. Sliding out of the drivers seat, I locked my door and slammed it shut before heading over to meet Vera, another of my friends, and Jacob by the front door. Turning to meet me, Jacob smiled and pulled me in for a kiss as Percy moved away to catch up with his own friends. Uprighting herself, Vera mouthed a quick 'catch you later' and wandered off, her bag slung over her shoulder.

"...Very pretty today," Jacob was saying, and I smiled at him.

"When don't I?" I joked, giving him another quick kiss on the cheek and curling my fingers inside his, walking towards the doors. Xavier, a boy from the basketball team, grinned at Jacob and fist-bumped him as we passed, though I don't know why.

"You're going to miss your first period class if you don't go. I'll see you at lunch," I told Jacob, letting his hand drop and giving him a little push. Zipping up a pocket that hung open on his backpack quickly, he nodded and took off.


At lunch, I slipped out of the classroom I had just been in and headed down the hallway to my locker, expecting Jacob to be there. But, to my surprise, though I don't know why it surprised me, instead of him waiting for me I found him leaning against the lockers with Sandra, one of the 'popular girls', and they were kissing each other. Could it have gotten any worse? Damn right it could. Everything almost seemed to spin as everything I had hoped for with Jacob went down the toilet, but that feeling disappeared quickly to be replaced by a raging anger. Fuming, I grabbed Sandra's arm and yanked her off of Jacob, who looked surprised that I was here.

"Get off my man, bitch," I hissed at her, then turned to Jacob, "Or should I say, Ex-man!" He gave me a look of complete incomprehension.

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