The Doors Of Six

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Task: You are on a hill, and six doors surround you. each one is exactly the same, except each has something different written on it. Door 1 leads to inside the TARDIS, door 2 leads to Hogwarts, door 3 leads to London with Sherlock, door 4 leads to the Hunger Games Arena, door 5 leads to Narnia, and door 6 leads to MacLarens pub(How I Met Your Mother). You can only go through one door. The rest is up to you.

Door: You'll find out :)

Title: The Doors Of Six

Mist swirled across the land, covering everything it touched in a haze of white. Black pools of murky water gurgled and bubbled, unknown creatures waiting within them, snapping and snarling, dragging the unwary passerby down into their horrifying depths. The wind moaned through the gnarled trees, and the dry grass crackled as the girl climbed, the hill looming out of the darkness before her.

What she was searching for, no one but her would ever know. She told no one where she was going, nor what she was doing. She alone knew of the doors of six, and so she sought them out, and now she had found them.

This girl was named Rose. Rose Weston. No one knew about her past, and she never stayed put long enough to tell them. She was what they called a World Crosser; She crossed dimensions, always moving, never knowing where the jump will take her, and she had a new identity in every world.

Now she stood atop the hill, the mist moving around her as she gazed out at them. She was barely even fifteen; The youngest a solitary World Crosser can be, but that didn't stop her. As she watched, the mists drew back from the top of the hill and formed a wall around her, enclosing her in a wide circle. Shapes started to take form, six in total. Rose just stood silently, waiting, and the six shapes solidified, taking the form of six large doors. The doors of six... Whispered the mists.

Each door was the same, but they were beautiful. Tall and elegant, each door was built of solid silver, glittering faintly, though no light could have reached them through this haze of fog. They were all decorated with ornately carved gold, shaped into beautiful flowers and vines that twined about the handles, with jewels sprinkled here and there along the edges. All the carvings looked so real that Rose wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch them, but she held herself back. She knew that even the slightest touch the doors would take as choosing, and she would never be able to change her choice.

Instead she stood still, continuing to wait. The mist part momentarily above her, letting in a sliver of moonlight. The moonlight split off into six rays, each one illuminating a door. Once the wall of mist closed about her once more, she could see writing on each silver door. Nothing more than a word, just one word. The first, Madman. The second, Magic. The third, Mystery. The fourth, Murder. The fifth, Monarchy. And the sixth word she could not see, for it was already swathed in mists, save the curling letter M. Rose turned away from that one, back to the other five. Each one seemed to reach for her, call for her, and she stepped forward, placing her hand...

On the second door.

It grew warm at her touch, and swung slowly open. Rose closed her eyes as she stepped through, the sound of laughter reaching her ears. When she opened her eyes again, she saw that she stood in a large front hall, in front of a set of huge, heavy wooden doors. Floating candles lined the walls, and the scents of a feast wafted through the halls to greet her nose. It wasn't until her gaze found the crest hanging above a second set of doors, leading out of the front hall, that she realized where the door had taken her.

The crest was carved wood, split into four panels. Each panel held an animal, the top left held an eagle, wings spread wide, on a striped backing of blue and bronze. Next to that, on the right, was a roaring golden lion on a checkered backing of scarlet and gold, and just below that was a badger on a patterned backing of black and yellow next to a coiled serpent on a beautiful background of silver and emerald green.

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