The Tailor

72 5 0

Task: Write a story in your least favourite genre.

Genre: Horror

Title: The Tailor

He is here.

The man is here.

He is chasing me.

He is coming for me.

He is here.

He is always here.

Always chasing.

Always coming.

I am always running.

Running from his grabbing hands.

Running from his pale clutches.

Running from him.

Running from the man.

Running from the man who is always here.

I am running, and then I am falling.

I am falling, down, down, down.


And then I am stopping.

I am stopping, caught by the water.


And then I am sinking, down, down, down.


His hands are pulling me, grabbing at my clothes, pulling, pulling, pulling.

I cannot see.

I cannot breathe.

I cannot hear.

I cannot feel.

It is only dark.




And he has got me.

He has got me, and he will take me.

He will take me.

He will take me far.

Far away.


And suddenly I am screaming.




And then I am gone.

I am gone.





Gone. Gone, gone, gone. Nothing left. That's what I am. I am gone, never to return. The man has taken me, and he has taken me where no living man can ever go. Now before I go further, you have to know my story, and so I must tell you of how this all began...


I would start with a few months before this, but we don't have much time. I cannot stay here much longer, and so I must tell this in the fastest way possible. It started on the 8th of May, one year ago.

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