Part II

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"Punctuation is still important you know." Zayn said smiling with mirth. Who starts a conversation with expressing the importance of punctuation?

"I understand that, that is why there's spell check and Google editor." I say shuffling boxes in the closet room, it says shoes but if heavier than a tone of bricks, what does Nora use lead soles?

"And me, your welcome by the way it was my pleasure, your article was great." He says, collecting the styrofoam balls scattered from the delivery boxes.

"Thanks." I found there was nothing more vulnerable than having someone you know read my work, especially since I don't know him he probably judged me based on that material. Well as much as you can judge a person who wrote about jeans.

"It's lunch now, wanna grab something to eat?" He says leaning back in the office chair pushed into the corner of the room.

"Yes I am, but not with you." I say, I don't need to spin the rumor mill, temp sleeps with her bosses brother to climb the company hierarchy. That and I did see him coyly peep at my ass, that was because I was such a lady to bend in front of him, at least he had the decency to bashfully look away.

"Conceited much, I'm just going to Waitrose." Zayn laughs, rubbing his facial hair and licking his bottom lip.

Is he doing this on purpose, because I'm already trying to restrain myself from doing that myself.

"Conceited I shall be." I say sticking my tongue out at him and leaving the closet as he follows behind me. I wonder if he's checking me out right now

"Catch you later babe." He flirts smiling at me cheekily.


"Was it a catch you later babe, or catch you later - babe." Vera quests for verification, whilst giving me a peek at the mushed up tuna sub in her mouth since her question was so important she couldn't swallow first.

"First one, does he want me to take him to HR, isn't that sexual harassment?" I ask munching on my meatball sub, messy but delicious. I had lost my lipstick to this saucy mess.

"No, what's sexual harassment is not having a go at him, because if your not up to it I will." She genuinely asks as though she were doing me a service.

"Your the devil that whispers in my ear." I scold her, she is too mischievous it's a miracle she's never been arrested.

"Even if you had an Angel she'd tell you to bang him." She justifies." Besides we'll be out every here in like what two months, keep it on the DL and enjoy the orgasms."

"I'm try a be a good girl Vera I really don't need to bring more trouble my way." I say, I barely make the one month cut on my New Years resolution, I'd made the two month mark and had 10 months to go.

"You suck at being good." She laughs. All ye of little faith, I would prove her wrong.


For days Zayn invited her for coffee, helped her lift boxes and organize merchandise and even organized her desk again. And all he'd get was a 'thanks' and  'you shouldn't have'. He didn't mind though, he liked watching her try to hide her smiles or not look him in the eyes, he knew it was working even if it was slow progress.

Kamilah sat at her desk once more practically dozing when she still had three more hours of work. She had to type up all the inventory lists, update the old ones and email them to the head stylist, then maybe she'd be able to sneak in a quick writing session for her blog columns Nora said she'd read but still hadn't gotten to it after a month and two weeks.

Looking on her desk she noticed Zayn once again had organized, God knows when he found the time to do it. The pens color coordinated again, pencils sharpened, papers filed and most importantly  her stash of candy was organized and all the wrappers thrown out and the open candy packaged in a ziplock bag with a post-it stuck on

I know I 'shouldn't have' , but your welcome- Zayn.

It was the sweetest thing any guy could've done for Kamilah and it was making it harder for her to be distant to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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