So far, I was not really looking forward to Seattle.

"You're overthinking it." Alec flashed me a reassuring smile, wrapping his arm around my shoulders while we waited at the gate. "Don't try to overanalyze everything now. At least wait until after you talk to Troy to poke holes in the offer."

I had yet to hear the full extent of the offer, thus the reason for seeing Troy's narcissistic face. I still couldn't believe that of all the people Clearwater had to choose from, they'd hired Troy Devereaux.

"It's hard not to overthink," I mumbled, nestling into his side and closing my eyes.

I'd been startled awake by Alec's incessant shrieking alarm at four and my eyes had yet to stop burning. I was running on three hours of sleep and if I'd known our flight would be delayed, I would've stayed in bed until six.

"I know."

He kissed my forehead and rubbed my arm soothingly. If it hadn't been for all the noise filling up O'Hare, I would've loved to cozy up in his lap and fall asleep right there.

By the time we hailed a cab outside Seattle-Tacoma International Airport I was ready to fall over. Every attempt I'd made to fall asleep on the plane from Chicago had been made impossible by the chatterboxes sitting behind us. I'd settled for numerous cups of coffee and two sodas until the flight attendant had felt the need to recommend I give it a rest on the caffeine.

Alec was sweet enough to load my luggage in the trunk and open the door for me, despite the cab driver's offer to do it. The gesture reminded me of when we'd had dinner at the Camaro Diner and Alec had opened my door and even helped me inside. A montage of butterflies flooded my stomach at the memory.

"Grand Hyatt on Pine," Alec told the driver as he climbed in beside me.

"That's expensive," I mumbled.

"Troy's expensing it to the company."

He smiled softly. Most of the day he'd been bright-eyed and bushy-tailed but now his exhaustion was beginning to show. His eyes were becoming bloodshot and he yawned about every other minute.

"I thought you were making reservations." I looked at him with confusion.

His eyelids resembled curtains about to fall. I decided now was as good a time as any to get a little shut-eye and sprawled out across the backseats and his lap, earning a slightly satisfied grumble from Alec's throat when I touched his thighs.

"When I told Troy we were flying out, he offered to take care of it," Alec explained. "How can I say no to someone else paying for my accommodations?"

I nodded sleepily, instantly falling into a dreamless sleep with my head resting on his thigh. His very soft, warm, comfortable thigh.

The drive to the hotel wasn't very long but my speed nap made it feel like I'd been out for hours by the time I realized the annoying tapping and shaking of my arm was Alec trying to wake me up. I mumbled something in protest and attempted to go back to sleep until the cab driver's rough voice reminded me I was still in public.

I hopped out of the taxi a little too quickly and the earth began to spin. Alec climbed out behind me, steadying me and then fetching our luggage.

"You alright?" he asked, placing a comforting hand on my arm.

I cleared my throat, awkwardly avoiding the driver's gaze. "Yeah. Fine." My tone didn't sound too convincing though.

Alec placed one suitcase on top of the other and effortlessly wheeled them into the hotel with his arm around my waist.

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