Hidden Behind

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"I say I'm sorry hiding behind my lies, I'm your worse nightmare, however, a disguise, you see me as I am. You see me how you wish, a happy smile, a shedding tear, am I the person you fear? Perhaps I am, but you'll never know, in the end we just gotta let go. Disguised, hidden, you'll never find me here. I'll stay inside trapped in this lie because it feels comfortable. It eats me away I cannot but stay, why do I remain beside, beside myself alone in the world, nothing to do but cry. I finally see what I'm meant to be, it wasn't what all you've said, this life that you live this truth that you give, is it something we all but dread? No it is not, you wish but not fraught that memory you brought to me. We all are insane come and eat my brain, so there are no memories left."

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