The Truth Underneath

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 "Beyond the mask, something painful yet true, there lies myself as me, the true me."

 "The truth underneath, the lies and the scars, the pain and the torture, put me behind in bars.

"I want to tell you, but would you still love me? For the person I display, is a person, whom is merely the mask of me."

"I want to believe, I want to stay true, but I'm so afraid, if it could hurt you.."

 "As I lay the mask upon my face, tying the back, putting it into place, you'll see the person you know and love, the one that makes you happy, but that person isn't me."

"Please understand, once I take off my mask, you might see the person you'd never have believed that was me, the truth the lies, was it all a dream? Can I trust you enough to show you what lies beneath, or will you be like the rest, broken, and beat."

"The truth underneath, though hard to explain, is the truth that will tear your eyes, causing you, great pain."

"I don't wish for this, I want you to be happy, it's best if you leave, trust me when I say, that in the later day things will be better this way"

"You wouldn't have to go through the pain, of seeing whats behind the veil, although your heart could break, shatter, and tear, in the end you'll realize, your friends, always there."

"I'm scared to show, my true colors to you, for their not as bright, nor are they as blue."

"Loving me is a challenge, a dare, a risk, because the person you see, isn't the true reality, you might wish it was, I might wish so too, however, when the time comes, you'll wonder exactly which would be true?"

"I polish this mask, day by day, brighter it'll shine, but underneath withering away, my true colors, black and grey, they might not be as pleasant, but, would you choose to stay?

Easy to say yes harder to say no, whichever you choose, I'll be here, waiting, please, choose your best answer, though."

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