Chapter 4

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While sitting in the office waiting on Ms. Jackson I felt my anger begin to fade. I didn't really want to let it go but it's not in the nature of a light magical to hold to such an ugly emotion. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and tried to wash away everything.

Mrs. Jackson appeared at the door. "Hello, you must be Mr. Domachelli and Arabella" she said extending her hand. "Please, come in and have a seat." After looking at my transcripts we found that I could actually be a senior but dad would never let that happen. Based on the oath that Garrett and I took when I was five and he was six, we would always be in the same classes or at least as many as possible. It made it easier to protect one another. However, it still appeared that my dad and Garrett's family had no idea that Garrett and I hadn't spoken since the night I left.

Originally, Ms. Jackson placed me in senior level classes but after my dad worked his magic, literally, I was placed in junior level classes. I was sure all my core classes were the same as Garrett's there was no escaping him. However, I was allowed to pick two of my classes, French and Choir. As we finished up Mrs. Jackson turned to me "We are really glad to have you with us Arabella, if there is anything that I can do to make your transition easier please do not hesitate to ask. Also, I arranged for one of our students, Erika Jensen, to show you around campus and what not. If you'll wait in the office she should be here shortly."

"Thank you ma'am" was all I said as I got up and made my way back into the main part of the office. I couldn't help but like Ms. Jackson. She had a very good vibe and seemed really sincere. While waiting on Erika to show me around my classmates started to enter the school. A few faces I recognized, Christian Bedford, Riley Winters and Candace Smith who had been Lydia's best friend when I left, and from the look of her cheerleading uniform I had no doubt she still was. Suddenly, a beautiful long blonde haired girl entered the office. She reminded me of my mom in a way. Fair skinned, bright blue eyes, friendly smile and a great height. Walking over to me, she extended her hand "Hi, you must be Arabella Domachelli, I'm Erika with a 'k' Jensen. Sorry I'm late the coffee shop took longer than I anticipated."

Taking her hand I smiled and said "It's nice to meet you and not a problem."

"Well if you're ready to go, let's get this tour started. Keep in mind everyone is a little hyped up today due to the first football game of the season."

"Oh, it's been a while since I've seen one of those" American football wasn't really a thing in Paris and I had been too busy a Cours Florent to really worry or wonder about it.

"Well, we'll have to fix that. You should come to game tonight with me and my cousin Riley" she offered.

"I'll have to check with my dad but I'd love to" I replied.

Erika was great, I really enjoyed her company. I found myself remembering what my mom use to say "Having a soulmate is not always about romantic love. You can find your soulmate in a friendship too." I couldn't help but feel that I had found some sort of soulmate in Erika. We had a lot in common and it was comfortable to be within her presence. She didn't seem to be judgmental or rude despite the fact that she seemed to be pretty popular because everyone knew her.

"So let's see your schedule" Erika said.

Handing over my schedule she read it out loud:

1st-History with Mr. Carter
2nd-French with Madam Kane
3rd-Calculus with Mr. Young
4th-Choir with Ms. Hudson
5th-English with Mrs. Lawson
6th--PE with coach Zyler

"Why'd you take PE?" She asked.

"I didn't know what else to take."

"You should join yearbook staff with Riley and I" she replied with a big smile and light in her eyes.

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