"Going out? Like- together, just us?"

"Yeah, together. You and me, walking around and we can do whatever you want." Sonic just wanted to be near her. "Please say yes, please say yes..."

"Sure, I'd love to." Amy smiled, making Sonic's heart flutter. "Really?" He breathed, not expecting it to be this easy. "Of course, let me just go grab my purse-" Sonic reached for her arm. "No need, I'll be a gentleman and pay for anything you want." He smiled nervously. He released her arm and scratched his neck. "I-I just want... this to go well." He mumbled under his breath.

Suddenly, Sonic heard the sound of air movement not far away.

"Oh no... Tails!"

Sonic grabbed Amy's hand. "Let me take you somewhere really pretty, okay? Before we go anywhere." Without waiting for an answer, he picked her up and ran. He took her to a waterfall in the jungle, a gorgeous mile high waterfall surrounded by flowers and trees.

"Wow... it's so beautiful." Amy said as pure amazement escaped her voice. Sonic smiled at her. "Just like you..."

"What?" Amy said, and faced him. Sonic placed her down and grabbed her hands. "Amy, I love you, and it'd be an honor to have you as my girlfriend."

"Is... is this a dream? Or some stupid prank?" Amy asked him, her eyes getting tears.

"No, Amy, I promise it's not."

Sonic dipped his head into the crook of Amy's neck. "Amy... I love you." He said and then pulled away. He placed his hands on her hips. "I'm sorry I just realized my feelings now, I know I must've caused you a lot of pain. I'll spend the rest of my life making up for it. I promise I won't leave you, Amy." Sonic brought his lips to hers.

Such a sweet sensation rampaged through his body. He could smell her sweet strawberry scent as it engulfed him.

He wanted more.

Sonic tried to deepen the kiss, and he moved his fingers up to her quills. He ran his hands through her short spiky quills then he slowly lowered his hands to her shoulders and brought her closer to him. Next, he brought his hands back to her shoulders and gently lowered his hands to-

"Woah!" Amy shrieked and pulled away from him. "I-I'm not ready for that, Sonic." She told him as she escaped from his grasp. Sonic felt out of breath, his heart was racing just how his feet did. "I-I'm sorry, Amy. I should've asked before hand." He stammered, trying to catch his breath.

"It's... it's okay, I enjoyed the kiss." She smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Come on, I'm hungry now, we should probably get something to eat."

Sonic agreed with her and picked her up bridal style. "How about we go somewhere fancy?" Sonic cooed into her ear, making her giggle.

Sonic decided to take her to a buffet. Once they found their seats, Amy and Sonic sat down.

"Can you get me a glass of water?" Amy asked Sonic. He smiled and nodded. He placed his hand behind her head and leaned in to kiss her temple. "I'd do anything for you, Amy." He thought as he released her and stood up.

When he turned back around and got the water, he saw Amy laughing with another man. The man had his hands dangerously close to Amy's own hands that rested on the table.

SonAmy BOOM! The Wish MachineWhere stories live. Discover now