"I'm sorry..." Barry whispered, sitting up and staring at the wall on Abbigail's side of the bed.

"What happened?" I asked, feeling my hands shake as I grasped tightly to the covers before me.

"I told you not to go on that date... I warned you..." He whispered, slowly turning to face me while climbing on the bed.

"Barry..." I warned, balling my fist up angrily. "What happened... what did you do to me?"

"I took you..." He trialed shyly, nervously reaching up and scratching at his head.

"How many times, Barry?" I asked, not really sure if I wanted to know.

Judging from all the cum spewing from my backside and all over my thighs, I knew it was more than twice and I was already pushing a third round with me knocked out, I couldn't believe he did this to me, why me? I sighed, shaking my head while impatiently waited on an answer, me going out to have fun with Wayne was no an excuse for him to pull this shit, again. This was the second time he took advantage of me and if I ended up pregnant again, while Abbigail was already pregnant... there was going to be hell to pay for Barry, he was going to be here through all the growth this time.

"Avery, I-"

"How many times!" I yelled, not really asking him any more.

"I don't know..." He took a long sigh. "Maybe five."

"Five?!" I said, turning to look at him in shock. "Five times, Barry!"

"I couldn't control it... I told you not to go outside, I warned y-"

"Shut up, Barry! I'm a grown man, i can do what ever the hell I want."

"That's what got us into this in the first place!" Barry said, staring at me with a pleading look. "I didn't want you to go on that date, you're not suppose to go on dates with other guys... and it was to protect you. Last night... last night was-"

"Last night was the last straw, Barry, that's what last night was! There's no excuse t-"

"It was a full moon last night." He whined with reasoning. "I couldn't control it, my wolf too-"

"Don't you dare." I warned angrily. "Last time I checked, that wasn't an EXCUSE!"I yelled at the top of my lungs, I was surprised no one came to see what all the commotion was about.

"Your right! Your right! That's why I'm not going to let it happen again, I'm sorry!" Barry said, climbing out the bed as I started to crawl toward him aggressively. "I went into Alphabratic heat!"

"Barry..." I paused, glaring at him. "That's not even a word! Let alone, A THING!"

My anger made my blood boil, I forgot about the pain in my stomach and now was ready to rip Barry a new one, the asshole was about to suffer if I had any say in it and I might just allow my wolf to purposely take control so it could bite him. I glared at Barry, climbing off the bed as Barry backed away from me with his hands up in a surrendering way, my glare didn't seize as I went to lunge at Barry but stopped as pain rushed up my spine from my lower abdomen. My legs bucked as I whined loudly in pain, I collapsed onto my knees and took a heavy breath as the pain worsened, maybe a visit to Stephanie won't be a bad idea.

"Alphabratic is a thing, last time I checked." Barry said. "I couldn't stop myself from ma... oh god, I didn't get to mate with you, oh shit... oh shit... oh shit... that bitch!"

"What are you talking about, Mr. Alphabretic heat?" I said angrily.

"Alphabratic." He tried to correct me on a fake word.

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