Chapter Six

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My fingers tingled as I laid on something comfortable, it wasn't the California King Bed in Barry's hut but the cot in the Medical Hut instead, I knew running here wasn't a bad idea but I also didn't want to be a bother to Stephanie when she had real subjects to attend to. I slowly set up, groaning as I reached up and grabbed at my throbbing neck, it wasn't as terrible as it was before but when I touched it, I couldn't hold the hiss in as I immediately regretted doing so. I quickly moved my hand away and glanced around while remembering what happened just moments before I passed out, I met a very sexy man, his name was... Wayne

I glanced around for Wayne as the hut door opened and Stephanie made her presence known with someone in toe, I closed my eyes with a heavy sigh while looking around for the triplets, they were no where in sight. Panic surfaced as I quickly pushed the covers back and tried to climb out the cot, my eyes scanned the hut from wall to wall but not any of my babies were in sight as I looked toward Stephanie accusingly, I knew she knew were they were.

"Where are my babies?" I asked, taking a step back from her and one of the individuals I couldn't stand the sight of.

"They're with Barry." Alpha spoke, clasping his hands together behind his back formally. "They're in good hands, I would like for you to sit so we can talk, do you mind?" He asked to Stephanie, who blinked a couple of times before eagerly nodding and leaving.

I slowly walked back to my cot and sat down slowly, noticing that the cot beside mine was occupied with a sleeping person, the guy had brown hair that fell to the nape of his neck with thin eyebrows falling over slightly tanned cheeks. He laid on his back, his stomach was exposed with a couple of bandages wrapped around them, he looked mildly familiar and it took me a second to realize that this was the guy I talked to before I passed out, the handsome guy. I heard the newly installed wooden floor creak and looked at Alpha as he stared back at me, I was on edge with him and wasn't sure if I was safe or not, I really didn't want Wayne to wake up and find my dead, soulless corpse. 

I put my hand on my stomach as it started to turn in rejection to whatever was present there, if anything was actually inside my belly, I felt something foamy bubbling up my stomach and quickly moved to cup my mouth as I tried to suppress it. It was useless, of course, you can't ever stop vomit from exiting once it's reached it's height limit, a tasteless, white foamy vomit escaped into my hand as I looked around for somewhere to put it. I found a bin close by and immediately put my head over it as a wave of nauseous hit me, I flicked some of the foamy vomit off my fingers and into the bin before looking at Alpha questioningly, why was he here... to have his turn at biting me?

"I came to check on you, it's Alpha duty." He said in a tone that told me not to get happy or think that I was special.

I slowly nodded, allowing my head to linger over the trash bin a little longer before pulling back when the sensation of vomiting stopped, I looked at him and wiped my mouth with the back of my cleaned hand while wiping residue of foamy vomit on the gown I was now wearing.

"Stephanie told me you can go home tomorrow, you odd to suck it up by now." Alpha said, giving me a stern look before looking at the hand grasping my stomach. "Have you and Barry had sex recently?"

I felt anger wash over me at the sudden questioning accusation. "N-No! I don't want to be with him ever again." I said angrily.

"He's your mate, you have no choice." Alpha said matter-of-factly. "You'll get over the entire ordeal and be gunning for him once more but soon you'll realize that you've already lost. I think it's best you find someone new, like this young man over here."

I looked at Wayne as Alpha gestured to him, and he actually had me thinking that maybe it'll be a chance to discover and possibly find a way to take a stab at Barry at the same time, I wonder how he'll feel when I let someone else into the mix, then I can stir it all up. I slowly nodded, staring at the sleeping man as he slept silently, he seemed careless in his sleep and I guess because he felt safe while awake, he slept even better. I nervously licked my lips before looking back at Alpha. I could see Wayne raising children, maybe his own only but I could see him being a good father one day, he looked no older than Barry and while at that age, they wanted to party and drink but not Wayne, he didn't seem like a bad boy... at least not in his sleep. 

The Many Wicked WaysOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora