I jerked my head away a second time, and she let go, letting me have my head. "So, I don't know who the hell you are, so just... get the hell away from me, please." I moved a little bit to put a bit of space between us; however, she just moved closer.

The girl bowed her head... in respect?

"As you wish, prințesă (princess)," she said. "However, I want to offer you a gift." She reached in her purse and took out a feather. "Keep this with you, always," she said, handing it to me. A smile appeared on her face, and I could tell that she was proud to give me... this feather.

I took the feather that she had offered me and looked at it, confused. Why did I have to keep this thing on me? And why did she give me the feather? I mean, it didn't look anything special. To me, it looked like a normal ass feather that someone could pick up off the ground.

The feather was long and thin, like those of a hawk or a falcon. It was brown, with white spots. It felt a little bit heavier than a bird, so I knew it wasn't a bird. There was something about the feather that made me think that it was magical. However, magic didn't exist... right?

"Why do I have a-" I was about to ask when I stopped. Shock ran through my body because she was not there. She had been there a second ago, but she wasn't. Instead of the girl, there was a folded up piece of paper, and surprisingly, it had my name on it.

I frowned and glanced around, hoping that the strange lady had just moved from her seat and not "disappeared" into thin air, because people couldn't do that... right? That's creepy, I thought, picking up the paper and starting to read what it had said.

Prințesă (Princess),

I know that you won't understand what I'm saying right this minute, but believe me when I say you will. In time, you will understand who you are and what you mean to me and the rest of our people.

There is danger in knowledge, but for you, my dear prințesă (princess), there is also danger without knowledge. This knowledge has to deal with who you are and of your past, and I wish I could tell you, but I can't.

You are powerful, more powerful than any other Războinici de lună (Moon Warriors), and with that power comes many more enemies than others had to face. These enemies are far more dangerous than any other Războinici de lună had had to face, even in the beginning, when our race was created.

Fear the dark and those that reside in them. Those who walk amongst the shadows are not your friends but your enemies.

Keep the feather on you, and keep it safe. When the time is right, you will use it to call upon one of your greatest companions. Do not use it beforehand, for it will not come, and you will lose one of your most valuable weapons.

There is not enough time, Prințesă, because the Moon is almost bright, and you have a lot to learn. However, you have so little time to learn it, and I pray that you will be all right.

We will meet again, but for now, heed my warnings and remember to always trust your instincts, and let them guide your path. They know best.

One more thing, rip up the paper into small bits and toss it to the wind. That way, no one will ever be able to read this ever again.

La revedere si noroc. (Goodbye and good luck.)

Să luna a vă ghida prin calatoria voastra (Let the Moon guide you through your journey.)


a friend.

I reread it a couple of times, making sure that I could remember it without rereading it. I couldn't help but frown a little when I saw the word Prințesă, for that was the Romanian word for princess, and I was not a princess. I was just merely a common girl that loved a boy that would not love me.

I tore up the paper, angry at what I had just read, and threw it into the wind. The wind took the paper, and it disappeared while I stuffed the feather into my pocket.

I couldn't help but look around me, my whole body tense as I made sure that no one had seen that strange interaction. I knew that they would label me farther as a witch or someone that did magic because no one could believe that an eighteen-year-old could help save so many lives.

Thankfully, no one had been paying much attention to me and was focusing on the baseball game that was happening. Cheers rang through the crowded area as people cheered for their favorite player or their favorite team.

I sighed and leaned back in my seat, wanting to relax and enjoy the baseball game that was going on. However, that wasn't possible because I kept squirming around in my seat. I was so restless because I couldn't stop the pain he would be in, even though I wanted to. I didn't want him to get hurt.

"Hey!" someone said from behind me. There was a squeal in their voice, and I could tell that it was a female.

"Damn it," I muttered under my breath, knowing that the person was talking to me.

The Princess of the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now