{8} We Have a Problem +Big AF TRIGGER WARNING{8}

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May's POV please DM me if you're feeling suicidal <3 I won't judge you I swear! Please play song above thanks!!
*beep* *beep* *beep*
I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock stabbing my ears. I moan and roll over to turn it off, I succeed. I roll over to hug Bucky and he's not there.
"Bucky...?" I moan. I'm guessing he woke up and was having breakfast, I slip on an oversized T-shirt and leggings, I was about to open the door when a sudden sadness swept over me.
"No. No. No. No!" I freaked, I can't control my own body. I fell to the floor in tears. "No! No! No! NO! NOO!" I continue shouting, then I feel arms around me. "NO!!" I push them off me and shuffle back.
"Shhh, calm down Maybel, it's just me. It's just Bucky." He spoke, as he stood up. I wipe a tear away and take his hand to stand up. He hugs me, I didn't feel right.
"I don't feel okay..." I spoke.
"Do you need to go see Wanda? Or Conr? Maybe even Bruce?" He looks me in the eye
"No! No, not Bruce! I'm not going back into that Fucking Medical Centre again!"
"You don't have too."
"Can we just go get breakfast?" I hold back more tears.
"Yes, of course купи." He smiles.
I Finnish breakfast and start walking to my room.
"May? You have training today." Steve said but I kept walking, this is it. I'm done. I pull out the note I had prewritten for the day this would come,

'Hey, person reading this. I'm so sorry. I want to be with Courtney. It's not anyone's fault, besides HYDRA, this is all your fault. So, I bet you want to know more, well here you go. Courtney, I can't go on without her, I was five when we met and I don't remember life without her in it (well duh). Steve, I'm still mad at you, I don't want to be, and this is NOT your fault. Bucky, you tried, and I want to thank you for that <3 I love you, and I'm sorry... Goodbye.'

      I sat the note on our bed and retreated to our bathroom, I grabbed a razor blade and placed it vertically on my arm, I pressed and let the blade sink into my skin, I try not to scream but it comes out anyways. I turn on the sink and run my arm under the water, wincing in pain. I turn off the sink and run the blade down my arm again, this time deeper. Blood rushes out of my arm like a fossett. I was losing a lot of blood. I fall to the ground and a pool of blood surrounds me, I hear banging on the door.
"MAYBEL!! LET ME IN!! PLEASE!!!!" Bucky yells, the door slams open and Bucky rushes over to me, everything was slowly fading. This is it... It's finally over. Good bye.
"Nononono, no you don't, stay with me. Keep your eyes open, you can do this." He squeezes me. "Shit..." He mumbles and grabs a rag and wraps it around my left arm and applies pressure to it.
"Bucky?" I hear in the distance as Wanda walks in. "HOLY SHIT!" She shouts.
"Wanda! Call an ambulance NOW!" She rushes out of the room, and everything goes black.
Bucky's POV sitting in the waiting room.
"Steve?" I turn my head to towards Steve.
"Yes, Buck."
"What does it feel like to lose someone you love?" I was referring to Courtney.
"I don't know, you'll have to ask May when you to walk out of here together." He gives me a weak smile.
"Um, who is here to see Ms. Green?" A nurse walks in.
"Um, me." I look up. Please be good news. She sat down next to me.
"She probably won't make it... We'll keep trying. But she lost a lot of blood." Shit.
We had to move her to a lab for technological surgery, Bruce's idea. And I told them no, she wouldn't want that. But they persisted on doing so.
May's POV
*beep beep* *beep beep* *beep beep*
I open my eyes to a white celling, Goddamnit. I look down to my arm and see a giant wrap on it, MotherFucker may...
"Hey, Bucky." I smile. "What happened, this time?" I whine.
"Two vertical cuts."
"I shouldn't be alive."
"Excatly, I'm glad you are.". I turn my head towards him.
"God Fucking Damnit." I laugh. "Ow! What the fuck did they do to my arm?" I wince. I was to used to pain, but not this time, this one hurt like a MotherF*cker. He didn't respond, "I'm not in a hospital anymore am I?" I speak still looking at the celling, all I had seen of the room was the couch and the celling...
"No, you're not. You're in a lab..." He looked down.
"Welp! That's a first." I say sarcastically. "What did they do?"
"They had to remove the tendons, and mussels In between the two cuts cause they were too deep. And replaced it with..." He trailed off.
"When can I train again."
"I don't know..."
"I want to see my arm, take this wrapping off it."
"May, I think we should leave it on."
"No!" I rip off the wrapping in one go, it hurt like a MotherF*cker. The sight I saw was not plesent. My whole left arm was purple and there was a metal piece in the middle, with imperfect edges. Well fuck, now I have to wear long sleeves everywhere...
"I-I told them not to do it.."
"Just shut up." I rest my head back and close my eyes.
~~~~~ walking out of the Lab.
"My dads coming over today..." I tell Bucky.
"Not my real Dad! Mr. Winters my foster dad."
"Oh thank heavens" he exhales, and we hop into a cab, the rest of the team was at the tower...
The thing about My metal Vs. Bucky's is Bucky fell off a Train, I self-harmed, not as cool right?
*Knock* *Knock* *Knock Knock* (my dad always knock like that XD)
"He's here!" I smile and hop up, and start running towards the door. "Oh Bucky!" I turn around and wave to him to follow me. He stands up to follow me... I open the door to see my dad.
"Dad!" I smile and hug him with my right arm, my left one wrapped up.
"Hey, Sweetheart! What happened to your arm?" He asks.
"Oh! Nothing... I'm fine. But, Dad! This is Bucky, my Boyfriend!" I smile and gesture towards Bucky.
"I've heard so lots about you son!" Jonathan (dad) smiles and gives Bucky a hug.
"All good things... Right???" Bucky looks to me.
"Ummm, I guess you could say that." Jonathan laughs, he's like Joey Gladstone from Full House XD.
"Where's Lola?" I ask, she was my foster sister.
"Her and Lily have to Finnish there doctorates degrees in Scottland, but they send their love."
"Awwe, well that sucks. I'm so proud of them!" They were 25 and still in school, I would NEVER be able to do that XD (Lola and Lily are twins, that are in EVERY one of my story's, I know them IRL tho too!)
"Let's go see the rest of the team shall we!" I smile.
"Yes Mortal!!" Jonathan does an impression of Thor.
"Yah... Thor isn't here, he's been...." I look to Bucky, "Busy." I Finnish my sentance.
"Well I hope Vision is here at least!" Jonathan says in a British accent, I guess to impersonate Vision.
"Yeah, he is. I hope!" I laugh. By the end of my sentence we were already in the common room.
"OH HEY!" Nat says.
~~~~~~ a lot of small talk later....
"Oh! Dad I have a present for you!" I smile, grabbing Bucky's hand CAREFULLY with my left.
"And what's that?" He says turning his attention from Clint, they were probably talking about parenthood!
"Here." I say and pass him a box. A/N I'm nervous... And I'm not doing anything!!
"Honey! What's this for??" He smiles as he opens it.
"For being there for me." I was about to cry, you'll learn why in a second. He opens the box and holds up a shirt that says 'Best dad in the world (not officially in the Guinness Book of World Records... Yet!)' it's an inside joke.
"There's more." I smile, Jesus I was nervous. (A/N F*CK I CANT BREATHE!! This chapter is based of a really cute video, that I'll link at the bottom!) he pulls out an envelope and opens it, he unfolds a piece of paper and read it. F*ck it, I'm crying now. All the team was confused and asking what it said, Jon turned the paper around and reviled it said Certificate Of Adoption. It was a bit late in the game, but it's something that mattered to me a lot... Now Jon can walk me down the isle as my DAD! I hug Dad and we're both in tears. I heard a few sobs from the rest if the team...
"F*ck I'm an emotional reck!" I giggled as I pulled away from dad to lighten up the mood. Everyone laughed
(A/N if you're not crying, or even slightly. Your heartless. OMG!!! :...()
"So, how long will you be stay Mr. Winters?" Vision, the only one not crying, says.
"I can't stay long. I've been recruited again."
"But aren't you supposed to be retiring soon?" I say
"Yes honey, but, I can't now. I'm sorry. I'll come back as soon as I can." He replys.
"Wait, you're in the army?" Bucky says raising and eyebrow.
"Yeah..." He says, my dad was the funniest and sweetest dad on the planet. But he also cares about the world and thus is in the army to keep it safe. He always liked Bucky in that sense. We would spend Christmas's just binge watching CA: TFA Over and over again.
"Just stay safe okay, don't do anything you don't have to. We can't afford to lose another friend." Bucky smiles, and looks at Steve.
"BROMANCE!" I shout, even though I was dating Bucky I still can't hold back my Stucky Ship Fan-Girl.
"Hey!" Steve says. I stick my tong out at him, we were such children deep down.
~~~~~~~ the next day. Jon is out you ring NY and will not be with May!
"MAY!" Tony yells my name, I was scrolling through Instagram (maybeloliviagreen) on the couch.
"Yes, Fatass!!" I yell back.
"COME HERE!" I moan and go into Tony's office and rest on the door frame still looking at my phone. "Put the phone down..." He says still looking at his computer.
"Uuuugh, okay Dad!" I moan. And put my phone in my pocket
"Um, don't call me that. And this is serious, we have a problem." I sit on the chair across from Tony's desk.
"What's it this time?" I say, serious now.
"We have a targeted man, a friend of ours." He looked at me "Marthain-John Luther. He's being targeted by an assassin called 'The Cut'. I need you to research her, we think she might work for hydra but that's unknown... Just find her, and her ways of battle and Attack, everything we need to know for a fight."
"And what about Luther?"
"He'll be fine, we're keeping him in a safe house until' we get 'The Cut' on lock down."
"So, we're gonna keep her alive?"
"Maybe, depends on how dangerous she is. And also this is a Solo mission, just you. But we (the team) will be here for back up if you need it."
"I'm not supposed to be on missions for another week cause my arm!"
"That doesn't matter Right now. We might be dealing with one of the biggest assassins on the planet." I raise an eye brow at that "Steve is gonna train you, but right know I want you to do research, here's the file." He slides me a Manila folder, it only held 5 papers, mostly pictures...
"Seriously!?" I shout.
"Yep! And it's your job to find more so go." I moan and stand up, why can't pepper or Bruce do this.

I step out side and go into the research office and start researching (A/N TheBladeGracieM told you I was a researcher XD) Tony was right,
File: test subject 16
Name: (first name was scratched out) 'The Cut' Black I used to know a girl, with the last name black
Hair: long, brown, bangs
Eyes: green, when recruited black and red holy crap!
Weapon: gun.
Aim: 9.5/10 ha! Clint's is 10/10
Punch: Acc; 8/10 Force; 8/10 Power; 9/10 Pull back; 10/10
Tolerance: 9/10
Strength: 8/10
Agility: 10/10 like Nat
Gullibility/Goleness: 0/10
File: By; Dr. Watson.

Holy Sh*t! DOCTOR WATSON?? That's the dude who tried to tourture last time!
This girl is a big threat!
This is the longest chapter in the book! Hope you enjoyed! Training and combat Nast chapter EEEK! I also have a hell of a lot planned!!!!!!!!! BTW The part at the beginning where May freaks out and screams no has actually happened to me and it is NOT fun AT ALL!!!

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