The Call

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-Chloe's POV-

"Hey guys," I said to my camera. "Today is a very special day! I am taking my best friend Jade to a dance competition in Oklahoma City because it is her birthday and she loves dance." I say as I turn the camera towards Jade.

Jade smiled at my camera and threw up a peace sign. "She's the best guys!" Jade says.

"Oh I'm so flattered." I laughed.

Vlogging and making YouTube videos is my life if you can't already tell. I've always had this dream that I would be famous when I grew up but now I just want to be an inspiration to people and I show that through my YouTube videos.

I'm 18 now living a great life and I couldn't trade it for the world. I really don't know what could get any better than this. I am so thankful.

"Are you ready?" I asked Jade.

"Heck yeah I'm ready!" Jade says jumping around like a lunatic.

"Then let's get going. I'll see you guys when we get to the competition." I say to my camera. I make a face at the camera and then shut it off.

*at the competition*

"Guys this is so lit!" I say pointing my camera at the convention center we were at.

At the competition we got to watch dancers compete against each other and there were so many talented dancers. We also got to take a few dance classes and learn some dances that the people competing had created.

I've got to admit I've dabbled in dance a little but I'm never gonna be as good as these people or Jade. Dance is literally Jades life just like YouTube is mine.

"Chloe I loved this so much! Thank you for making my birthday great." Jade says giving me a sweaty hug.

"Ew gross I know it's your birthday but ya nasty." I said in my best That's So Raven voice.

Jade laughed at me and hugged me again.

"Okay guys I will see you back at my place." I say but as I was about to cut the camera off Jade jumped in.

"Follow me on insta at Jade dot dance."  She always has to plug.

I laughed and then shut the camera off.

"Okay guys it's been a lit day. I think it's time to dip out of this vlog so that I can go get this edited and uploaded in time. Peace out girl and guy scouts!" I giggled and shut the camera off once again.

As soon as I went to edit my video my phone started to ring. I looked down at it and it showed a Los Angeles number. I usually don't answer these calls but somethings telling me to this time.

I picked up the phone and answered.

"Hello?" I said timidly into the phone.

"Hey is this Chloe Heartly?" A male voice said on the other end. This voice sounded familiar but I could put my finger on it.

"Umm yes, who might this be?" I questioned. 

"I'm Jake, Jake Paul, I was calling to see if you were interested in something." I dropped my phone.

Jake Paul the most famous rising YouTuber is on the phone with me!

Once I realized I had actually dropped my phone I scrambled to pick it back up.

"Sorry I dropped you," I laughed nervously. "Anyways what did you say?" I asked.

I heard Jake laugh and then he continued with what he was saying.

"I was wondering if you would let me fly you out here to LA to come stay with us for a bit and see if you'd like to live with us maybe in the near future?" He said in a questioning tone.

"I see a bright future in you." He added.

"I would love to!" I screamed into the phone.

"You heard it Jake Paulers, she said yes!" Jake says in the background he must be vlogging.

"We're flying you out here tomorrow. I'll text you the info. Have a great night Chloe." Jake says.

"You too Jake!"

I gotta go pack! Things just got even better! I would've never imagined this happening.

// Authors Note!

Guys this was short and I've been having writers block on all my other stories but I figured id make another one and see how it goes. Hope you guys like it!


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