17 - atlas

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Days have passed ever since the enchanting occurrences, days filled with activities and the prefect's desperate tries of bringing the houses together.

Luna's POV

Draco and I have decided to keep it a secret, to not reveal anything to anyone. Whatever "it" is.
Even if it's someone we trust. I don't quite apprehend as to why he was so eager to have me agree to the secrecy but I'm trying not to break my head over it too much. It's been a while since we last talked considering how we are still on this trip and barely ever alone. I don't like to admit to it but I kind of expected .. something. Him trying to speak to me, or secretly sneak into my room once Ginny and Hermione are gone. But nothing of that sort happened. Actually, nothing at all had happened. Whenever we were in the same room, he avoided looking at me.
He seems to be taking the secrecy-thing very serious.

"Looney!" Ginny shouts, almost running over to me. No. I've tried my very best to avoid being alone with Ginny because she always senses once something is up.
"Luna, hey! I've been looking for you" she breathes out. "Where have you been? You haven't tried avoiding me, have you?" she smirks and ends up laughing.
I sigh, "No of course not. It's just .. that I don't feel like I belong here as for now, I have expected something different" my last words coming out more as a whisper.
"Oh I know! The trip is lame, innit?"
I nod, you could take it this way as well. Of course.
"Yes, correct. If you don't mind, I would leave you be and go for a walk?" I softly smile at her. "I will be back soon enough, trust me"
Ginny raises a brow and smiles. "A walk, eh? Go on your merry way then" she winks and walks off.

I sigh again, something I've done a lot within the past couple of days. Where shall I go though? I'm not very well versed here.

Just as I walk towards the wide door, I spot Neville sitting on the bench next to it. My mood immediately brightens.
He looks up at me and I see his eyes light up. "L-Luna, hey! I haven't seen you around in .. a while" he nods to himself and I smile. Is he nervous?
"I just wanted to go for a walk, would you like to join me? I don't know where exactly to go but –"
He nods, "Yes, let's go, we will see where we end up then" he smiles.
He gets up and joins me, leaving the lodging.

Whilst walking, we share little stories about the trips we have been on in our life. He has definitely been on more than me, and seems so comfortable sharing his experiences. It's lovely to see someone so carefree for once.

"... I was so little though, I don't think they took me seriously!" he laughs. I join him and he stops walking, looking at me. What's wrong ..?

"May I ask you something? If it's too personal you don't have to answer but ... I need to ask you"
I shift uncomfortably, "Ask me anything, Neville"
He nods and breathes in before speaking. "Is it true? Ginny's assumption?"
I knit my eyebrows in confusion, "What assumption?" I can feel my heart beat faster than ever. Does she .. does he? Do they know?

"Well .. you know.. that you like someone. Fancy someone, even." He looks away, not noticing the relief flooding through me.
"... No, not true. I don't know as to how those thoughts creeped into her mind" I force a giggle.
His face falls but he recovers quickly. "I don't know either, I should have known that she made this up haha" haha. yes.
I slightly smile at him and suggest to keep walking. He joins me and returns to the stories of his experiences.
The rest of the walk is absolutely calming. That is if I ignore the little bothering thought of Ginny sensing something.

Draco and Luna / Mystery meets SecrecyWhere stories live. Discover now