10 - past demons.

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Draco's POV

She looks at me, with a slight amazed expression on the face of hers.
Luna breathes in before answering me,
"Can we sit down?" she points to a bench and I follow her, sitting down next to her.
"I have a lot of words and thoughts about you bottled up inside of me and I will let them free once timing is right. But as for now, all I can and want to say is that I .. believe in you. Always believed in you. Despite all the horrific things that you've done. I understand you. And I wish for you to see yourself the way I – you really are"

I look at her, straight into her eyes. This girl deals with teasing and bullying on a daily basis, and nonetheless she finds the truth and beauty in the most broken things.
I feel a strong attraction, a strong connection towards this odd girl.

"I don't mean to interrupt the thought you were in, at all, but I think that we should put another spell on the garden if you want it to remain hidden" she says, whilst looking back into my eyes. 

I nod and get up, falling back into the same old behavior as I hear my father's voice in the back of my mind.
Feelings are a sign of weakness, Draco. Only the weak allow themselves to feel and that is how they lose. In this world, no one cares about feelings. They will pretend to care, and use your vulnerability against you.

"Will we ever get to talk like this again?" She asks, a smile on her face.

I knit my brows, "I don't think that there is anything left to talk about, is it?"

The sudden appearance of sadness in her eyes and the disappearance of her smile throws me off. Why would she want to talk like this again?

I sigh, "Why would you want that?" I try my best to sound a little kinder.

She shrugs and turns away from me. Great.

"I don't need you to belittle me, so save your words for someone who actually gives a bloody damn"
I let my frustration speak for me and just as I start to realize what I have said, Luna runs off, back into the house.

Bloody fucking hell. That's the way to go, Malfoy. Fucking scare away the last and only person who dares to believe in you.
She believes in me. Fuck.

Draco and Luna / Mystery meets SecrecyWhere stories live. Discover now