6 - unique.

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I feel someone sit down next to me as I have my eyes closed, trying to shut out my surroundings. Just when I want to tell whoever it is to piss off, I open my eyes and spot her. Luna greets me with a slight smile and I immediately feel my chest tighten. What the fuck is that feeling?
"Yeah? Can I help you?", I attack her.
"Oh no, you really can't. Except if you know what to surprise a house elf with" she calmly responds. A house elf? "A house elf? Surprising? Why the hell would you want to do that?" I'm looking straight into her eyes.
She sighs before answering me, "A few weeks ago, my clothing and a bunch of my shoes disappeared out of my room and I didn't really know where to look for them, other than where I've already been. And a sweet house elf helped me look. I want to do something to brighten his day in return" she finishes and dreamily smiles.

I can't take my eyes off of her. She truly is odd. But in a good way. I spot those funny earrings, and a necklace made out of .. cork? But damn is she beautiful. Her long hair falls down her back and even though she wears the usual uniform, she looks bloody admirable.

Once Draco realized the way he thought of her, the way he took in her smile, and how he spots the details, he knew he was in too deep.

I look away and sigh, collecting my thoughts. "I shall just ask her. She won't be weirded, or even grossed out. She does not judge me. I have heard her talking to Potter, right?", I turn to her and notice her being gone. She is gone. I look around in confusion. Where did she go? Why did she .. "Bloody hell", I say to myself.
I get up, frustrated and again irritated, and head back inside.

Draco and Luna / Mystery meets SecrecyWhere stories live. Discover now