11 - i'm good

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It's 8pm, the students and prefects assemble in order to discuss the sightings and plans for the following days.

Draco's POV

A prefect gets up to stand in front of the crowd. Before speaking, she scans the piece of parchment.

"As you've been informed before, you will be told the plans for the following days. These weeks are not to be thought of as vacation,–" she puts on a smile, "– you are supposed to still learn and get to know students of different houses than your own"
Some of the Slytherins roll their eyes, whereas the others look sort of frightened.
"I wonder why" my thoughts say.

"On Tuesday, which is tomorrow, we will visit The Writers Museum. It honors incredible writers Dublin has created over the years. The visit adds to your Muggle Studies.
On Wednesday, you are offered to do what you please to do. On Thursday, we will catch up on History of Magic–" the students groan, "– and on Friday we will mix the houses once more and get together. The activities will be revealed then" she finishes and sits down. "You can spend the rest of the night in your room"

"History of Magic? I hope Professor Binns is not the one to teach us. Her wheezy, droning voice is almost guaranteed to cause severe drowsiness" Harry complains to Neville.

I roll my eyes and walk off, heading outside. Supposed to be in my room? I think the hell not. The thought of spending my night with Blaise and Longbottom irritates me. I wish I could talk to someone who .. Luna. I wish I could talk to her. Hell fucking no. I need to stay away from her. She messes with my head. I built a wall around me ever since I was little, never let anyone get to me, never allowed myself to feel. But whenever she is around, on my mind or in the same room, I get that weird bloody feeling inside of me. My chest tightens, and my stomach feels as if it's in knots. Bloody hell.

In frustration, I decide against outside and for the irritation. I walk back in, straight into my room where I spot Longbottom in his bed and Blaise reading. Once Blaise notices me, he puts his book down and smiles.
"Where have you been?"

I frown, "none of your business, is it?"

He pats on the spot next to him, wanting me to sit down.

"I just want to sleep" I respond and sit down my bed, instead of following his wish.

He sighs, "you know.. if you weren't so strict over the distance thing, maybe someone would make an effort to come closer"

I knit my brows in confusion, "what distance thing are you talking about?"

"Well, you barely talk to anyone, not even with me or Pansy or Theo. You are alone most of the time. And whenever we try to talk to you, you make us leave or leave yourself. It's just .. frustrating"

Blaise and his need to read me. He is the only one out of my 'group' who reads between the lines and tells lies and truth apart.
Still, I don't need him to try. I don't need anyone to try.

"Blaise, mind your own damn business. I don't have time or energy for your deep conversation focusing on me. I'm fine. I'm good, even. Just drop it" I spit and lay down, turning to face the wall.

I hear Blaise sighing before he lays down as well, whispering a spell to turn off the light.

The whole night I spend awake, thinking of the emptiness I feel, the sadness I'm in and her. I need to talk to her tomorrow. I need to. I need her.

Draco and Luna / Mystery meets SecrecyWhere stories live. Discover now