They say it's easy

Start from the beginning

A hand ruffling Taehyung's hair scared the boy and he flinched away in an instant. Jungkook's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry", he retracted his hand.

Taehyung tried to smile back to show him it was okay.

I just have some bad experiences with human contact.

"You really didn't have to do this Taehyung", Jungkook said, motioning over to the food.

Taehyung shrugged.

"How did you pay for them though?", he asked, setting himself down.

The boy took a step back and wondered if I should make a run for it right now.

He knows I'm a beggar, he'll probably figure out I stole them. He'll kick me out for being a thief.

"Taehyung?", Jungkook was confused and glanced over his shoulder, "What's wrong?"

"I stole them", Taehyung blurted out, preparing himself to run out.

For the first time, my voice is working properly and I'm already blurting out too honest words. This is exactly why I'm quiet most of the time.

"Nice", he smiled and grabs a pastry, stuffing it in his mouth.


Taehyung frowned at him, obviously confused why he isn't mad.

"Nice", he repeated, this time more slowly, "I steal things too, this house is being paid with stolen money".

Taehyung took another step back.

He sighed, "Sit down". The boy slowly made his way over to the table and sat down on the chair across him.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me", he pushed a cupcake Taehyung's way, "The things you do know now aren't the best ones. That's why I was scared you had run out".

"I do not understand", Taehyung tilted his head, grabbing the cupcake but making no move to eat it.

Jungkook sighed again and averted his gaze to the wall, seemingly searching for the right words. "When I found the bed empty this morning, I got scared you went to the guards".

Taehyung frowned and tilted his head to show him he didn't understand.

"You know- after last night", he mumbled the last words.


"About what happening with Jimin", he sighed, "I thought you went to the guards to tell them I was a homosexual. I feared guards were coming to drag me away".

"Why would I do that?", Taehyung croaked out, not believing what he was actually hearing right now.

"Because it's seen as one of the biggest sins."

I would be lying if I said that that didn't hurt me. I mean- there's no way he'd be trusting me after knowing each other for a day but to think I would be ungrateful? I am the opposite of that. I am grateful for everything in life, this street life I chose for. Someone thinking I would report them after saving me from a storm is a great insult to me.

"You have been nothing but nice to me", Taehyung found the confidence in his voice and shoved the cupcake back, "And I don't meet people like you that often. I am very grateful you lend me a roof to sleep under, but I will be going now".

The chair screeched when Taehyung pushed it back. Jungkook got up as well.

"Why?", he asked.

"Why what?", Taehyung retorted, searching around the room for his clothes.

The boy was surprised by his own strong voice. He didn't stutter or mumble once. It seems the frustration in him had taken over his anxiety.

"Why are you leaving?", Jungkook grabbed the boy by the wrist as he tried to take a step towards the hearth where his original clothes were now dry and folded. Taehyung flinched away from his touch and pulled his wrist back slowly, on to find it locked in his hand.

"The storm is over. I will be going back to my place now." Taehyung felt his chin got raised and Jungkook was there to look him in the eye.

"Your place?", he scoffed, "Some hay on the street is not a home Taehyung".

I'd rather sleep on hay in freedom than in a fancy castle locked inside a room. If only Jungkook knew what I once was, he'd sell me out. I can't be around him any longer. Attachments aren't needed in my life, except for dogs.

"It is mine", Taehyung pulled his wrist back, his hand now flat against his chest, " I thank you for your hospitality and am very grateful you lend me your friendliness but where I go after this is not your business".

"You're mad", Jungkook stated, eyes blinking at the realization. He watched the boy pick up his clothes and turn around, not replying to his statement.

"Is it because of something I said?", Jungkook asked, stepping closer.

"It doesn't matter anyway. We won't be seeing each other anymore." Taehyung grabbed the ends of his shirt and flung it off his body before stepping out of his pants, too angry to care about Jungkook's eyes roaming around his body.

"This is the first time I heard you speak so much", Jungkook spoke, off-topic.

Taehyung shrugged and got dressed in his old familiar clothes. They smelled like the streets and it was a complete downgrade in comparison to Jungkook's clothes.

"I don't want it to be the last time", Jungkook uttered which made the younger boy halt his actions.

What does that even mean?

Jungkook didn't add anything after that and didn't stop Taehyung from stepping to the door and opening it. Taehyung glanced back one last time before shutting the door behind him, walking back to the streets he knew all too well.

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