"Forgiven? Goodness, no. No. That's the last thing I want to do right now. What makes you think like that?"

"I don't know. It just comes off like you have."

That made Jisoo think. Did she?

Shaking her head, she deflected that thought.

"Oppa, you just go. I'll be fine here."

"Why are you making me leave at my own house?"

"Well, I'd prefer to be alone than you being here," she affirmed, which was true.


"You already called the cops at the house, right? That puts me at peace." She gave him a little smile. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

He stared defiantly at her. She returned that by holding a gaze of her own. She wasn't going to let her brother win this one.

After some time, her brother raised his arms in surrender, making Jisoo triumphantly smile.


As he stood up and fixed his tie, he sent her a look again, one that told her he was somewhat relieved.

"Jisoo, I'm glad you don't seem too... rattled about it."

She went silent at that. After the second time around, she thought she'd be shell-shocked, traumatized even. But here she was, functioning like a normal human being. It honestly felt weird.

"I'm not saying this as your brother, but as someone who loves you very much. Like what you did last night, don't hesitate to call me. Don't even hesitate to call if you're angry, or sad, or if you just want someone to talk to. I'm always here for you. You know that, right?"

His sincerity warmed her heart. Maybe it was the reason she could act strong, after everything that happened. She stood up from the couch and gave him a hug.

"Thank you."

His brother returned the hug, one hand around her shoulder and the other gently running his fingers through her hair, tickling Jisoo. He knew it soothed her all the time.

"Just... don't push me away, like you did last time."

"I won't. Ever again. I promise."

When she pulled away, he ruffled her hair and smiled. "Please call me when something sketchy happens around the house."

"I will."

"Even if it's just something silly, a shadow somewhere, a weird noise or—"

Jisoo rolled her eyes and clamped his mouth shut with her hand. "I get it, oppa. Don't scare me anymore."

He removed her hands and innocently blinked. "I'm sorry. Did I scare you?"

"No, I – I don't mean that. Oppa. You don't have to be." She exasperatingly sighed. "You're too kind for a joke sometimes."

"I'm sensitive."

Jisoo slapped him on the arm. However, it didn't incite any reaction from the man like she was expecting him to do.

"You don't."

"Ha-ha. Very funny."

Annoyed, she forced him to move, pushing him towards the door.

"Just go already!"

"Okay okay, fine," he replied with a little laugh.

When they arrived in front, he gave her a wave and finally stepped out.

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