Winchesters Keep Marchin' On

Start from the beginning

Before Dean's hand touched the door to knock, it slightly opened up and Ella peeked her head out. When I looked at her face I could instantly tell that something was off, because she looked like she was in pain.

"El?"Dean asked sounding concerned.

Ella's P.O.V
I took a deep breath, wiped away my tears with my left hand. Then I walked over to the bathroom door and opened it slightly. I hid my bloody arm behind the door frame and peeked my head out. Dean was standing right in front of me with his hand raised almost like he was about to knock on the bathroom door before I opened it. He stared at me with his eyebrows furrowed and right behind him was Sammy with a worried expression on his face.

"El?"Dean asked with concern.

"Dee, Sammy..."I mumbled weakly while staring at them.

"Ella, what's wrong?"Sam asked sounding worried.

"I kinda need help..."I anxiously answered while biting my lip.

"Help?"Dean asked with an eyebrow raised.

"With what?"Sam said with a confused look on his face.

"With this..."I replied as I took a step forward and showed them my injured right arm. Sam and Dean's eyes practically bugged out of their heads when they saw my bloody arm. They instantly came over to me and jumped full on into overprotective big brother mode. I was kinda glad they did, because I was on the verge of passing out from exhaustion.

"Sam here, get the first aid kit it's in the trunk."Dean quickly said as he handed Sammy his car keys.

"I'm on it."Sam nodded as he quickly went out the front door to get the first aid kit. Then Dean carefully put an arm around me and led me to the bed closet to us while saying, "You sit."

I sat down on the corner of the bed and winced in pain, because I managed to irritate my freaking cut yet again. Then I heard Dean grumble something that I couldn't understand so I asked,"What?"

Dean's P.O.V
Right as El sat down on the corner of the bed I saw her wince in pain. I couldn't help thinking, she wouldn't be in pain now if I didn't follow Sam's advice about giving her space. I was kicking myself for not questioning her sooner. I should have followed my instincts and used Dad's interrogation method earlier to get her to fess up on what was bothering her.

"I knew I should've done things my way from the beginning..."I grumbled under my breath.

"What?"She asked with a confused expression on her face.

"All right, let me take a look."I responded as I sat down next to her and grabbed her right sleeve, so I could check her injury.

"Owww...."She groaned while moving her arm out of my grasp.

"Sorry, El."I responded while holding my hands up in surrender. I reached out to touch her right arm but she flinched and moved away from me.

"Come on, I gotta check it out, El."I said while gesturing to the blood soaked sleeve on her right arm.

"I know, but it hurts a lot. Please, be careful this time Dee..."She anxiously pleaded with a pout.

"I will, don't worry."I said in an attempt at reassuring her.

"Promise?"She asked while holding up her left hand in front of me with her pinky pointed out.

"I promise."I replied while wrapping my pinky around hers and making a pinky promise just like we used to do when she was little.

"Now, I'm gonna need you to hold still, so I can check it out, okay?"I said while looking at her.

"Okay."She agreed with a nod.

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