Chapter 11: Victoria

Start from the beginning

When you were done, you panted. Knelt on the ground, your eyes fixated on the pavement below you. Slowly, you raised your head. Riley was towering over you, he was grinning, and watching your every move as your bright red eyes connected with his equally bright ones.

He bent down to you, taking a handkerchief from his pocket. You felt like crying, but you knew vampires couldn't cry. "It's okay, baby girl." He tried to relax you, but the only person to manage that was Jasper. It was always Jasper.

He carefully wiped the sides of your mouth and then your chin.

"Come with me."

You didn't want to, in fact you hated the idea. But returning home seemed worse. Jasper may have absolutely hated the idea that you were hanging around the shapeshifters, but hanging around Riley was worse.

You still didn't know what Riley was up to, although you know it involves Newborns. Were you apart of some Newborn cult? Did he want you to be?

"Riley, why were you in Bella's house?" You asked as he walked you down the alley, his arm around your body.

"I was looking for you."

He's lying, you could tell. He hesitated for only a millisecond, but it made that much of a difference.

"The real reason." You egged on.

He sighed, pulling you closer which only made you feel even more disgusting.

"She's very interesting to my... friend." He said, pausing slightly in the middle of his sentence. "Who, by the way, wants to meet you."

He let go, and you could finally breath. He looked at you, waiting for your response. "Why would I do that? I know Bella's in danger, and it has something to do with you."

"Why did you save me?"

You were immediately taken back by his question after he ignored yours. "What?"

"Back there, one of those Cullens were coming. You shielded me, just like you do to yourself. For the first time since I've changed you I can finally..." He trailed off, walking closer. "I can finally sense you. Your smell, it's intoxicating."

He pressed you against the wall of a building, his arms on both sides of you. "You saved me from being ripped apart by that vampire. Why?"

His face neared yours, suddenly you had the urge to spit in it.

You didn't want to answer. In fact, you didn't have an answer. He chuckled, his breath hitting your face causing your stomach to churn. At this point you had no intention to leave with him.

"Come on, Victoria would be pleased to see you." He grinning out, his hand sliding down your arm and latching around your hand.

Victoria. That name stuck out like a sore thumb. When you first met Jasper it was no blissful greeting. It was a rabid attack, a terrifying, life threatening attack. And the first words spat out of his mouth were, "Did Victoria send you?"

This man, Riley. He knew Victoria. "Victoria?" You asked.

"That friend I mentioned earlier."

You wanted to scream and run away from this monster. Instead, you followed him. Riley led you to an abandon warehouse in Seattle. There you saw sights you never wanted to see.

Newborn vampires were scattered in the area, an unstoppable army. Fighting or preying, these disgusting bloodsuckers were gruesome and horrid. That's when you realized you were no different.

"Hello there." You heard. You turned to look at a girl with red hair and matching eyes. She smiled at you in more of a sinister way than a friendly one. "It's nice to finally meet you." That girl... That's Victoria.

Jasper's P.O.V

"Argh!" I yelled, slamming my fist into the wall. Bits and pieces of concrete broke from the spot leaving a noticeable dent. I wasn't only pissed, I was scared. I was worried.

Where is she? Where did she disappear to? Alice saw Riley near the entrance, but he wasn't there. Her vision cut off soon after, which can only mean it was interrupted.

I can always find her, always. Yet she put up that stupid barrier to block her from my senses.

"Hey, it's okay, Jasper. She's fine wherever she is." Alice said softly, rubbing my arm. I casually pushed her hand off of me, not in the mood for her comfort.

After a few moments of silence, I calmed down slightly. Then, the thought of Riley's hands on her caused a fitting rage to build up once again. "Dammit!" I yelled, pushing open the front door and walking outside.

"Jasper, stop!" Alice yelled. I ignored her and continued walking towards the woods. "Jasper, wait! You can find her!"

I stopped in my tracks, slowly turning to look at Alice in the doorway. Concern was etched across every part of her face.

I raised an eyebrow, shaking my head. "No, I can't! Not with that barrier up!" I yelled back.

"Yes, you can, Jasper, because you can always find your soulmate!" She yelled causing my entire body to freeze and just stare at my love.

"What?" I finally asked, after a few seconds had passed.

"Jasper," Alice looked at me with pain in her eyes. A pain I had yet to see on her. She looked heartbroken. "You and (Y/N) are soulmates."

"No," I ran towards her, cupping her face. "You're my soulmate."

She shook her head, removing my hands. "No, I'm not. Jasper, I've been hiding something from you."

Alice's P.O.V

{Flashback - The day (Y/N) entered town}

A gasp released from my lips. "Alice, what did you see? Victoria again?" Jasper asked holding my shoulders, caressing them carefully.

I shook my head and looked at him with big eyes. "No, not Victoria. Someone just crossed the border. A vampire's entering our territory."

"I'll go check it out, okay?" Jasper suggested. I nodded with a smile, hiding the pain the vision caused. He was being nice, trying to help me out with everything I was going through.

Once Jasper left, Edward entered the room and knew something was up. "Alice, what's wrong?"

He asked, walking closer. "I just saw Jasper's future." I said quietly. Edward pushed a few strands of hair out of my face.

"You always do, so?"

"Edward," I whined, looking into his golden eyes, "It's not with me. Jasper's not suppose to be with me."

{End of Flashback}

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