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Christian's POV

We arrived in LA around 9:30 at night, and I assumed I would be staying in a hotel for the remainder of my time with Avi. So, you can imagine my surprise when he pulled into his own driveway and turned off the car.

"Aren't you gonna take me to my hotel?" He looked at me as if I had three heads, then laughed at the idea of putting me up in a hotel. His deep, deep laugh scared me a little.

"Why, do you want to stay in a hotel?" I could tell he was asking because he already knew that I would rather stay with him. I looked at him, then to his house. Back to him. Back to the house. Finally, I looked to him, smiled embarrassingly, and shook my head no. He nodded in recognition and opened his door.

"Then get your things and wait for me inside. The door should be unlocked." I had never heard Avi sound so demanding, but I just thought this is what it means to have a teacher like this.

"Don't worry about him. He's being a little stern because he's trying to hide his excitement about having a student." Kevin's voice shocked me as it came from the back seat. He opened the door to the silver Camaro, gathered his things, and walked toward the barely lit porch of their small apartment. The shock finally wearing off, I picked up my own bag and followed him. As soon as I had crossed the threshold, I placed my small bag down out of the way and turned to grab my other things from the trunk. But Avi had already beaten me to it. He walked up the front door, one of my bags on each shoulder. I opened my mouth to protest and offer my help, but I remembered what happened in the car and quickly shut my mouth.

"Come with me. I'll show you to your room." I said goodnight to Kevin and followed Avi. He led me down a narrow hallway, all the while, telling me what to expect from him. But I wasn't really listening. I was too busy looking at the pictures that plastered the walls around me. There it was: the entire life of the man I had idolized for so long. And yet, it felt familiar somehow, like a forgotten story being brought into the light once more. It wasn't until I felt myself colliding with him that I realized Avi was done talking and we were standing in front what I assumed was my room.

"Did you hear what I said?" Realizing that he might ask me to repeat anything, I decided to answered honestly.

"No, sorry." He just sighed, disappointed, but with a hidden smile. He let me pass by him and go into the room. Handing me my things, he said goodnight and ventured off to his own room down the hall.

I looked around the room and was strangely pleased. It was a plain room: a bed, a nightstand with a lamp and an alarm clock, a window with dark blue curtains, a closet, a motivational poster of a dog. Things of that nature. I don't like it when rooms are cluttered. I can't sleep in a crowded room.

I brushed my teeth, got into my pj's, and crawled into the plain, blue covers. I pulled out my phone to text my dad, just like I promised I would.

Hi, dad. Got to LA safe and sound. Love ya! Night.

Before I could hit send, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Kevin.

Before you go to sleep, set the alarm for 8am. I am taking you sightseeing tomorrow! ;)

I looked at the clock on the nightstand. It was 9:51pm. I reached over and pressed the small buttons until it read 8:00am on the alarm. I rolled over and was asleep as soon as my head hit the soft pillow. I hadn't slept that sound in years.


I woke up the next morning the same way as I always do: before my alarm. Ugh. So, I decided to start the day early. I got up, found my way to the kitchen, and was relieved to see that I was not the only one up this early. Kevin must be a morning person.

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