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"Christian, get up. It's time for school," my dad's voice rang, disturbing my slumber.

"I know, dad. I'm already up." Since today was Friday (aka my "lazy-day"), I quickly threw on my sweats and hoodie and slipped on my shoes. Quickly remembering to take my medication, I bolted out the door to catch my bus.

I don't know why I was in such a hurry when my heart was nearly ripped out of my chest the night before. I had missed my chance to get tickets to see Pentatonix in Buffalo. Now when I tell you that I cried when I saw the SOLD OUT on the website, I mean I cried.

The only thoughts racing through my head were What can I do to meet Avi? and I have to meet Pentatonix! It has literally been my dream to meet Avi since I read his story. Not to mention, hearing his song "Tumbleweed." I can't even tell you how many times I have listened to that song. I mean, Avi is seriously my inspiration for everything I do.

Suddenly, the final jolt of the bus stopping awoke me from my daydream. I peered outside, first clearing the January frost from the window, and I saw that we had arrived at school. I pushed through the crowd to get my desperately-needed morning coffee.

The hustle and bustle of students in the halls never bothered me. In fact, I like it when there is a lot of noise; it actually calms me down. Seeing my best friend, Brianna (I call her Ginge on account of her vibrant orange hair), I jumped-no, lunged-into her arms. I was in need of some comfort.

"What's wrong, Christian? Ar-are you OK?" she asked, returning my embrace. We have been best friends long enough to know when something is really wrong.

"The tickets for Pentatonix in Buffalo are sold out! I just looked last night." Now, Ginge is not a Pentaholic, so she wasn't as devastated, but she knew how important they are to me, so she tried her best to comfort me.

"I'm sorry." I could tell she really meant it from the way she was holding me. But, in my mind, I believed there was nothing that could make me happy again.

"Wanna sneak in?" I heard her soft voice ask after a few moments of silence. I looked down at her face (she is much shorter than me) and I could see a sly smile forming on her face.

She may not be a Pentaholic, but she sure does know how to cheer one up.

"Would you do that for me?" I asked, wiping the tears from my face.

"Of course." The smile on her face becoming much more caring and meaningful.

I got through the rest of that day and all the days after that. Then came April 9th.

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