The Concert

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I could barely hold in my excitement as Ginge and I drove the 2 hours to Buffalo on April 9th. I'm finally going to see Pentatonix and meet Avi Kaplan. My drawings of each of them were in my black messenger bag, which was being strangled by my fists.

"Oh my God, you need to calm down," Ginge's words cutting through the air like a knife.

"I'm sorry, but there is no calm when it comes to Pentatonix and me, Ginge. You should know this." I was afraid to look at her because I knew the face she had on: the "after this, I'm finding you a therapist for your addiction with Avi Kaplan" face.

I tried to contain my excitement for the rest of the trip - for Ginge's sake. What really helped me was singing along to PTXvol2, which I had convinced Ginge to let me bring along. Just then, at the same moment Avi drops the bass in "Love Again", we turn the corner and the air leaves my lungs.

We were looking at the enormous theater where the PTX concert is and I let out a piercing shriek. The lights around the sign that said "PENTATONIX - TONIGHT" nearly blinded me. I looked around, seeing more people than I could count standing around the door, waiting.

After collecting myself, I turn and, of course, Ginge has that look on her face again. But I just don't care anymore. I'm here now, surrounded by others just like me. I don't have to hide my love anymore.

Now came the hard part: sneaking in. How were we gonna do this? Just then, a man's voice interrupts my thoughts.

"TICKETS FOR PENTATONIX! 2 VIP TICKETS FOR PENTATONIX!" he yells, holding up two rectangular pieces of paper. I wasted no time.

I quickly unbuckled my seat-belt, opened the car door, reached back in to grab my messenger bag, slammed the door shut, and sprinted towards the man.

"I would like those tickets. What's the catch?" I looked at him with disbelief.

"No catch. Just pay $150 and they are yours."

What a deal! Considering the original VIP tickets were $100 each, I immediately took the deal. Ginge and I, luckily, were able to pool our money and get them. We grabbed the tickets and jumped in line.

I swear, the time we waited in line to get in was the longest 30 minutes of my life. But we eventually made it out of the chilly April night air and into the warm theater. Because we had VIP tickets, we were escorted to our section with the other VIP members. Unfortunately,  we weren't in the front row, but we still had amazing spots. The huge neon piano keys hung on the wall behind the stage, just waiting to be pressed.


An uproar of screams and applause filled the theater as Mitch began the "Daft Punk Medley." The curtain drops and...

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