My Student

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Avi's POV

We just crossed into New York City around 6 the next evening when I heard the buzz-buzz from my phone, alerting me that I had a text. I flipped my phone over and smiled when I saw that the text was from Christian. The text me a single word. The single happiest word anyone could get for an answer, especially for me.


I leapt up from the couch in the back lounge, completely forgetting that Esther was resting her head on my lap with a book above her head.

"HEY! What's your problem, Avi?" She picked the book off of her face and adjusted her glasses. I looked back at her, sincerely sorry, but my face was frozen in a big grin. I threw my phone in front of her face, holding it still. Her eyes widened with excitement.

"Wow, that's so great, Avi. Now get out so I can finish my book." She pointed to the door, a determined and very stern look written on her face. I knew better than to mess with Esther while she read. I turned on my heels and rushed out the door.

I couldn't believe what had just happened to me. I finally have someone that I can call my student. My student? Somehow, those words just seemed to go together. I found everyone else sitting in the front lounge, talking about anything and everything. I stood, leaning against the fridge, silently smiling, until everyone was looking at me.

"I know that face. What's up there, Kaplan?" Kevin walked over to me and I handed him my phone, showing him the text. We exchanged a high-five, and one by one, the others took a quick glance at my phone. By the end, everyone was hugging me and congratulating me. My student.

I had to call him. I wanted to speak to him, find out what made him finally decide. I quickly found his name in my contacts and hit dial. It rang twice, and my ears were deafened by our cover of "Royals." Then Christian's voice broke in, a little more aggressive than I expected.

"Pause, dammit! Sorry you had to hear that, Avi. What's up? I assume you got my message?" He finally was able to pause the music, but now he was rambling. He's still nervous. I couldn't help but chuckle lightly.

"Yes, I did. It made my day. I was calling to ask what made you finally decide?" I contained my own excitement with success, but what he said next pushed me over the edge.

"Actually, it was you. I was watching 'Say Something' and it finally clicked in my mind: you never could've gotten to where you are now without your teacher. If I want to be the best I can, I need to learn from the best, not matter the sacrifice." Even though I couldn't see him, I could tell his face was becoming redder.

"Wow, thank you. You are so talented and I'm glad that our music is such a huge part of your life." I brought my hand up and touched my cheek, feeling the intense heat escaping from it. Why am I blushing?

"Oh yeah, definitely. I have been in love with playing music and singing since I could talk." Suddenly, everyone on the bus decided to talk as loud as they could...right at that exact moment.

"Quiet! I'm on the phone with Christian." Bad choice. They all rushed over to me, almost knocking me over, all reaching for my phone. I guess he really made an impression on them. Kevin was the first to grab the phone.

"Hey, brother! How ya been?"

I couldn't hear his reply. Before Kevin could answer, Scott pulled the phone from his hand.

"Christian! I am so glad that you said yes! Can't wait to see you again!" Mitch, his eyes finally pulled away to his phone, agreed with joy in his voice. Scott handed the phone off to Kirstie and I could see her whole face light up.

"Hi, Christian! Hurry up and come back to us!" We have to wait until after the tour, Kirstie. I didn't dare say that out loud, though. The phone was then handed back to me. Finally!

"Well, I should let you go now. We just got to New York City and we have to unload our things and get settled into the hotel. But you should text me later, k?" Great, now I was rambling!

"Ok. Talk to ya later." Click.

Christian's POV

I went home, turned on my TV, clicked on YouTube, and selected the playlist "Just Pentatonix." Because I do this every day, I had the 25 videos memorized, order and length. Soon after I reached the ninth video, "Royals", my phone buzzed and I stood there in shock when I saw Avi's name on the screen. I tried to compose myself, but I could feel my face burning. I picked up the remote to pause the music, but the connection was so very slow! Without even thinking, I clicked "answer" on my phone, then pretty much yelled at my TV.

"Pause, dammit! Sorry you had to hear that, Avi. What's up? I assume you got my message?" How ironic: the music had stopped, but I surely hadn't. Shut up! I told myself, scolding myself for acting like a fool in front of Avi. Again.

The next conversation was quite brief, but fun because each member wanted to speak to me. I giggled as they fought over the phone, first speaking to Kevin, then Scott, and finally, Kirstie. I love them.

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