The soaked girl shrunk into her seat, trying to think up an answer. “I... I was bored, it didn't look so bad outside so I decided to take a walk.” She said finally.

A/N- play video now.

Link didn't say anything. He just stared at the girl in front of him, his eyes softening. The girl felt less intimidated and gave him a small smile. “Link, will you stay here with me?” Her face grew red as she asked.

Link's face also grew red. He turned his head away from her, and nodded. He sat next to her on the bench, wrapping his arm around her, pulling her close.

“Hey, [First name], I'm so sorry about last night. I don't know why I got so mad at you.” He said, looking down at the ground. [First name] put her head on his shoulder, smiling. “And I'm sorry for running off and worrying you.”

Link shook his head, “Do you forgive me?” [First name] nodded, “Yes, I forgive you.” She said, placing a small kiss on Link's cheek. Link smiled, and put a lock of hair behind her... pointed ear.

Link's eyes widened. “[First name]... has your left ear always been pointed or is it just me?” She stared at him wide-eyed, and felt her ears. He was right, they weren't round like they were this morning, they were long and pointed.

[First name] shook her head. “Maybe this place is really starting to feel like home?” She smiled at Link, and he smiled and nodded. “Yes, maybe you're right.”

“Link, how old are you?” She asked. “I'm sixteen. What about you?” Link answered. “I'm fifteen. My birthday is in about a week.”

His eyes quickly widened. “What? You should have told me.” [First name] shook her head, “It's on the same day as the ball.” She replied.

Link grew quiet. All they could hear now was heavy the rain. He suddenly asked, “what's your favorite color?” It then hit [First name] that they actually didn't know much about each other. “It's (favorite color).” She replied.

Link nodded, “I like the color green.” [First name] couldn't help but laugh, she assumed that would be his answer.

Link smiled at her, “The princess showed me your dress. It's real showy.” [First name]'s eyes widened. “What?! But I told Zelda-” Link interrupted her, “I'm just kidding.” He laughed. Link thought it was cute how she pouted. “Hey, what was it like in your world?” He asked.

[First name] didn't know what to begin with. “So, there are these things called cars and- and they're kind of like carriages but instead of horses they are powered by this thing called gas...” She started, “there are no kingdoms, instead they're called countries. No random bokoblins attacking people.” [First name] finished, she was pretty sure she gave a terrible description.

Link nodded, “What were the people like?” [First name] had to think about it. “It depends. Some people can be real quiet and shy, others can be rude or shameless. And most people are pretty nice...” “Just like you.” Link said, smiling at her.

“You're different, [First name]. I really like that.” Link said. [First name] smiled at him, “And you're different, Link. Definitely different from the guys I know. They don't wear dresses.” Link gave her a playful frown, “Hey, this is a tunic, not a dress!”

The two laughed, totally unaware that the rain had stopped long ago. They continued laughing, talking, and joking around. It had finally reached nightfall.

Link stood up, and looked up at the full moon. “Tonight sure is pretty.” He said, taking [First name]'s hand. “Let's head back. Zelda might be worried.” She nodded, and put her head on his shoulder.  She didn't know why she was so comfortable with him now, but it seems to be a good thing.

The two walked back to castle, quietly, hand in hand. Link walked [First name] up to her room, they gave each other a kiss on the cheek.

The (hair color)-headed girl closed the door, jumping onto her bed with the biggest smile ever. Link on the other side of the door smiled too, I've never spoken so much around someone, he thought. I think I like her.

A/N- I hope you all enjoyed that. Sorry if it isn't worth the wait. On the 14th I beat The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild, I'm kind of sad about it but I look forward to the DLC and amiibos; I need a Revali one. I will admit that the game is one of the factors that kept me from writing, but it's also the fact that since school ended I had to start taking care of my brother and sister while my parents are out working. It's not very hard since they're not too young, but I have to teach my sister (10 yrs) her multiples, and my brother (5 yrs) how to write his name so he's ready for kindergarten in August. So, forgive me if I'm ever a day or two late on updating. I wasn't planning on being so busy. Sorry for the long note. See you next week. :)

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