Chapter Two

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Y/n couldn't sleep and Ariana hasn't texted her yet so she knows Ariana hasn't landed yet. Sleeping wasn't something Y/n did much anymore. Because of a lot she had been though and shit with her ex wasn't exactly how she wanted to end things but things happen and Y/n felt bad about it, like it was all her fault and it ate at her. Y/n wanted to do something so she could occupy her mind, but nothing is helping her do that and she thought she'd text Camila.

Y/n: Hey, it's Y/n. Sorry to be a bother but I can't sleep and I thought I'd text you to get things of my mind.

CamEEla: Hey. No, it's chill and you can always talk to me if you want but I'm sorry you can't sleep. Plus I don't see you as a bother at all.

Y/n: That's a first. What's there to talk about though? I mean shouldn't you be texting Ariana instead of me? Aren't y'all lovers? It's fine, I'm use to not getting sleep, eating, or anything.

CamEEla: What's a first? I'm guessing there's a lot to talk about because I know how hurt you are. I don't have to text Ariana and no, we're not lovers (A/n: We're just strangers with same damn hunger ;) haha) I have my eye out for someone else and I wouldn't change that for the world. You should eat, sleep, and everything else. You need to be healthy and energized, not drained from energy. I use to do the same thing, I got so weak and I wouldn't eat for days, months even. I just hated myself in a way that I just made myself weak and had no energy to do anything.

Y/n: It's a first that I'm not a bother to you. Usually I'm a bother to a lot of people and you must be able to read people a lot, I'm assuming I'm not the first. Okay and that person is very lucky haha. Yeah, you're right but don't do that to yourself anymore, okay? You're too beautiful to hurt yourself like that and never hate yourself, you're beautiful and such an amazing person.

CamEEla: You'll never be a bother to me because I think you're just as amazing :) It's a good thing I'm not like a lot of people now isn't it? No, you're just that easy to read and yeah, they're very lucky but they don't know I like them and I should keep it on the low though. I haven't done that in like forever, I'm happier now. Awe, thank you but you should take your own advice, it may help you.

Y/n: I'm glad I'll never be a bother to you and thank you but I'm not. Yeah, that is a very good thing and I didn't think I was easy to read, people are just confused about me and that's understandable one their behalf. Well you should tell them sooner rather than later, you never know if someone gets on them first, just saying. I'm glad you're happy, you should be and you're welcome. I probably should take my own advice.

CamEEla: I don't see you as one, therefore you aren't one. You're welcome and to me you are. I'm not confused, I know what it's like to have depression and anxiety, it sucks but it'll get better soon. Maybe I should but what if they don't like me back? The thing I'm worried about. You should be happy too, Y/n and it hurts to know that you're not happy. I hope you feel better soon. Hey, get some sleep, you're gonna need it. We're meeting up again for the tour dates.

Y/n: Thank you for all of that, really. It made me feel a little better but ever since my break up with my ex and everything went downhill. I became depressed, I started cutting, I stopped eating, drinking, and sleeping all together. But yeah, I'll get some sleep.

CamEEla: You're welcome but I'm sorry about all of that, you don't deserve that. Who was your ex? If you don't mind me asking.

Y/n: It's all good, I don't cut anymore, its just the eating, drinking, and sleeping. I don't get that anymore honestly. You know Halsey, right? Well that was my ex.

CamEEla: I'm glad you don't cut anymore and you should get back on the eating, sleeping, and drinking routine. Wow, was she your girlfriend before she became famous?

Y/n: Yeah. I've been trying but thank you and yes.

CamEEla: Must suck. Why'd she break up with you though? I'm sorry for all the questions.

Y/n: Maybe I'll tell you another time, not right now, okay? We should be getting sleep though.

CamEEla: Yeah, no, you have a right to privacy and personal information. I'm sorry. But you're right; we she should get sleep. I'll see you in the morning, Y/n. Sleep well and goodnight.

Y/n: Don't be sorry. I just met you and I'm not use to telling people a lot of things about me. They judge me before they even know me and it kills me more than anything. Yeah, goodnight, Cami.

CamEEla: Cami? That's cute but goodnight. I'm sorry about everything though. I'll be right by your side, okay?

Y/n: Cami is your nickname haha. I hope you like it and it's okay, it's how the world is, as well as society. Thank you, for being here :) it means a lot to me.
CamEEla: Well, I love it, Y/n/n 😊 Screw the world and society, if people don't support you then they're not worth your time or energy. You're welcome and I'm glad it means a lot to you :)

Y/n: I'm glad you love it haha and thank you. I wish I could hug you right now. I'm sorry, that was probably weird. Ignore that. You should be asleep though.

CamEEla: I guess it's a good thing I know were you live. You're welcome and that was not weird at all, I promise. Don't be sorry and I can't ignore something when you're being extremely cute ;)

Y/n: You know where I live? Ariana must have had you over a few times. I'm glad that wasn't weird haha and stop it 😊 I'm not cute. You should be getting sleep, chica.

CamEEla: Fine, I'll get some sleep but you have to get some sleep too, cutie.

Y/n: I'll get some sleep, I promise. Goodnight, Cami ❤

CamEEla: Nighty night, cutie ❤

With that Y/n had fallen asleep with a huge smile on her face due to the cute and somewhat depressing conversation she just had with Camila. She was in love that's for sure but she can't tell Camila because Camila has a thing for someone. But it's her little secret.

Here y'all go 😘❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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