About you

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Age: You're 19

Hair color: Light brown

Eye color: Y/E/C

Siblings: Ariana Grande

Occupation: You love to dance when you have the free time, singing has always been one of your talents, and your hidden talents are playing guitar and acting. You get the acting from Ariana.

Personality: You're nice to everyone and you don't listen to what people have to say about you, you also don't care if you have to prove people wrong. You like to make people laugh, even if it takes you awhile to get someone to smile a beautiful smile. You stand up for woman's rights just as much as men's rights.

Sexuality: Bisexual and proud

Extra facts: You've been a fan of Fifth Harmony since well forever and you couldn't wait to do a song with them. You treat all the girls from Fifth Harmony as your sisters but Camila has decided to go solo for awhile and something pulls you towards Camila.

A/n: So should I continue the story or not? Tell me if you have any ideas or you want me to change anything

Bad Things (Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now