Blood status

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Purebloods of the sacred 28 : purebloods that obsess over Harry Potter (Potterheads) Examples of sacred 28 families: The  Weasley's, Blacks, Longbottom's, and Malfoy's.

Purebloods (but not sacred 28) : have read  the books and watched the movies (more than once)
Examples of pureblood families: The Potter's and the Goyle's.

Half-bloods : have read the books
Examples of half-bloods: Lupin, Harry

Muggle-borns : have watched the movies
Examples of muggle-borns: Hermione, Lily, Myrtle

Squibs : people who are friends/relatives with Potterheads but have not read or watched Harry Potter
Examples of squibs: Filch and Mrs. Figg

Muggles : people who have never watched or read Harry Potter (and don't have Potterhead friends)
Examples of muggles: The Granger's, Marge

Death- eaters : purebloods who hate on muggle-borns, squibs, and/or muggles
Examples of Death-eaters: Bellatrix, Lucius

Dursleys :  muggles who hate on wizards
Examples of Dursleys: Vernon, Dudley, Petunia

Please comment your blood status. I am a Pureblood of the sacred 28.

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